Torsion-Free Virtually Free-by-Cyclic Groups – Examples

Is it known if there are any examples of a finitely generated group $G$ such that:

  1. $G$ has a finite index subgroup $H$ which is free-by-cyclic

  2. $G$ itself is not free-by-cyclic

  3. $G$ is torsion-free

Since subgroups of free-by-cyclic groups are free-by-cyclic, one may strengthen (1) and ask that $H$ is normal in $G$. It is then fairly easy to construct groups that satisfy (1) and (2) by extending $H$ under any finite group. However, I couldn't come up yet with an example satisfying all three conditions. I've already know such a group must satisfy some properties:

  • By a combination of Serre's and Stallings-Swan's theorems, such a group must have cohomological dimension 2.
  • Since $H/[H,H]$ has a finite index image in $G/[G,G]$, $G$ must have infinite abelianization.
  • In particular, $G$ admits homomorphisms onto $\mathbb{Z}$, all of whose kernels must have cohomological dimension exactly $2$. So $G$ must be a semidirect product $K \rtimes \mathbb{Z}$ for some group $K$ of cohomological dimension $2$.

Best Answer

The group $$G=\langle a, b, x, y\mid [a, b]^2=[x, y]^2\rangle$$ is a torsion-free group which is not free by cyclic. However, $G$ is free-by-$D_{\infty}$ and so virtually free-by-cyclic (containing an index-two subgroup which is free-by-cyclic).

This example is from the paper Baumslag, Fine, Miller and Troeger, Virtual properties of cyclically pinched one-relator groups. Int. J. Alg. Comp. (2009).

  • Firstly, $G$ is torsion-free as it is a free product with amalgamation of two torsion-free groups.
  • Secondly, $G$ is not free-by-cyclic. Both $[a, b]$ and $[x, y]$ are contained in the commutator subgroup. These elements are non-equal but their squares are equal. Hence, the commutator subgroup does not have unique roots, and so it not free. Hence, any map to $\mathbb{Z}$ has non-free kernel.
  • Finally, $G$ is free-by-$D_{\infty}$ by Theorem 4 of the above-mentioned paper. The idea of the proof is to map $G$ onto $D_{\infty}=\langle c, d\mid c^2=1, c^{-1}dc=d^{-1}\rangle$ by $\phi(a)=c=\phi(x)$ and $\phi(b)=d=\phi(y)$, and then prove that $\phi$ has free kernel. The index-two subgroup $\phi^{-1}(d)$ of $G$ is therefore free-by-cyclic.
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