Jiang Su Algebra – Significance in C$^*$-Algebra Classification


Something I've been thinking about for a while that I'm not sure I understand is why $\mathcal{Z}$ stability, as opposed to say $\mathcal{O}_\infty$-stability or even $\mathcal{K}$-stability is so important to representation theory. I know that the Jiang-Su algebra has a lot of interesting properties such as being strongly self-absorbing, or projectionless, simple, KK-equivalent to $\mathbb{C}$. I can certainly see that it is an interesting object, but I think I struggle to understand the relevance for classification.

I was wondering if someone a bit closer to classification might be able to explain a bit is why $\mathcal{Z}$-stability is the type of stability we are interested in for Elliot classification. One thing I remember hearing in the YMC*A minicourse Chris Schafhauser gave this year is that it's the analogue to the hyperfinite $II_1$ factor in von Neumann algebras. If anyone could expand on this I would be really interested.

Bit of a soft question I suppose, is more out of interest than anything. Probably there is an abstract in a paper/introduction which explains this and pointing me in the right direction would be good.

Best Answer

Diego's answer in the comments above is related to why we would expect any classifiable $C^\ast$-algebra to satisfy $A\cong A\otimes \mathcal Z$: Since $\mathcal Z$ is separable, nuclear, unital, simple and UCT (the properties of $C^\ast$-algebras we wish to classify by $K$-theory and traces), tensoring with any other $C^\ast$-algebras with these properties will have all the same properties. And since $\mathcal Z$ has the same $K$-theory and traces as $\mathbb C$, one doesn't change $K$-theory and traces by tensoring with $\mathcal Z$. Hence if we expect to have classification by $K$-theory and traces, we would expect $A \cong A \otimes \mathcal Z$ for all $C^\ast$-algebras classified by $K$-theory and traces.

Now, I really want to address a misconception which I think is quite common amongst people not working in the classification or structure programme of nuclear C*-algebras:

$\mathcal Z$-stability (essentially) has nothing to do with the Jiang-Su algebra $\mathcal Z$!

For instance, the UHF algebras, the irrational rotation algebras, and the Cuntz algebras are all $\mathcal Z$-stable, but they have nothing to do with $\mathcal Z$.

This is similar to how McDuff factors* don't really have anything to do with $\mathcal R$, or how $\mathcal O_\infty$-stable $C^\ast$-algebras have nothing to do with $\mathcal O_\infty$**

One should consider the very natural and frequently occuring regularity property "$\mathcal Z$-stability" as being equivalent (by very deep, surprising, and non-constructive theorems!) to "$A \cong A\otimes \mathcal Z$". Similar to the McDuff property, $\mathcal Z$-stability can be characterised by the (norm-)central sequence algebra $\frac{\prod_{\mathbb N} A}{\bigoplus_{\mathbb N} A} \cap A'$ (for separable unital $A$) being suitably non-trivial, e.g. by requiring that it contains a unital copy of $Z(2,3)$; the $C^\ast$-algebra of continuous functions $f\colon [0,1] \to M_2(\mathbb C) \otimes M_3(\mathbb C)$ with $f(0) \in M_2(\mathbb C) \otimes 1$ and $f(1) \in 1 \otimes M_3(\mathbb C)$.

Unfortunately, it would be much too technical to explain exactly how this property is used in the classification thereom. A key technique is that these "almost central homotopies" coming from $Z(2,3)$ can for instance be used to show that $\mathcal Z$-stable $C^\ast$-algebras have cancellation of full projections by $K_0$, that $K_1(A) = U(A)/U_0(A)$ (this was proved in an unpublished paper by Jiang in the late 90's; the paper can be found on arXiv), and to prove that the Cuntz semigroup is almost unperforated (Rørdam).

$\mathcal Z$-stability turns out to be a very mild property that can be verified in an abundance of examples, such as through the Toms-Winter conjecture in the cases where this is known to hold, such as separable, simple, non-type I $C^\ast$-algebras with finite nuclear dimension.

In fact, it is very hard to construct separable simple nuclear non-type I $C^\ast$-algebras which are not $\mathcal Z$-stable (cf. Villadsen, Rørdam, Toms). So if you have any natural construction that gives you a separable, nuclear, simple $C^\ast$-algebra, you are almost certain to obtain a $\mathcal Z$-stable $C^\ast$-algebra unless you tried very very hard to construct one without this property.

(*) McDuff factor: separable $II_1$-factors such that $M \cong M\overline{\otimes} \mathcal R$. Equivalently, their ($W^\ast$-)central cequence algebras are non-abelian.

(**) For separable, nuclear, simple $C^\ast$-algebras being $\mathcal O_\infty$-stable is equivalent to being purely infinite by a theorem of Kirchberg. In particular, the Cuntz algebras $\mathcal O_n$ all satisfy $\mathcal O_n \cong \mathcal O_n \otimes \mathcal O_\infty$ (this is quite spectacular; you can't express this isomorphism explicitly!). Being $\mathcal O_\infty$-stable is equivalent to the central sequence algebra $\frac{\prod_{\mathbb N} A}{\bigoplus_{\mathbb N} A} \cap A'$ (for separable unital $A$) containing two isometries $s_1,s_2$ such that $s_1^\ast s_2 = 0$. And this is the property which is used for classifying purely infinite $C^\ast$-algebras by "moving things around" in a paradoxical way.

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