Symplectic Content – Motivation Behind Symplectic/Orthogonal Content


Here $\lambda'$ is the conjugate partition of $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\dots)$ and cells are in the Young diagram.

The symplectic content of cell $(i,j)$ of $\lambda$ is defined by
$$c_{sp}(i,j)=\begin{cases} \lambda_i+\lambda_j-i-j+2 \qquad \text{if $i>j$} \\
i+j-\lambda_i'-\lambda_j' \qquad \qquad \text{if $i\leq j$}.\end{cases}$$

The orthogonal content of cell $(i,j)$ of $\lambda$ is defined by
$$c_{O}(i,j)=\begin{cases} \lambda_i+\lambda_j-i-j \qquad \qquad \text{if $i\geq j$} \\
i+j-\lambda_i'-\lambda_j'-2 \qquad \text{if $i< j$}.\end{cases}$$

Although I have used these in my analysis, I still wonder:

QUESTION. What is the motivation behind these definition choices for the "contents"?

Best Answer

A hook-content formula, using the contents $c_{sp}(i,j)$ and $c_O(i,j)$, for the dimensions of the irreducible polynomial representations of the symplectic and orthogonal groups, goes back to Ron King. I believe the relevant paper is, but I did not check for sure.

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