Homotopy Category of the Sphere Spectrum in Algebraic Topology


Is there a known explicit description of the abelian $2$-group $\mathsf{Ho}(\mathbb{S})\overset{\mathrm{def}}{=}\mathsf{Ho}(QS^0)\cong\Pi_{\leq1}(QS^0)$?

Best Answer

This is the groupoid given by the 1-truncation $\tau_{\leq 1}(QS^0)$. This groupoid has $\mathbb Z$-many objects (since $\pi_0^s = \mathbb Z$), and each one has automorphism group $C_2$ (since $\pi_1^s = C_2$). The tensor product on objects is given by addition in $\mathbb Z$, and on morphisms by addition in $C_2$. One way to see this is to consider the universal functor $\Sigma \to QS^0$ given by the Barratt-Priddy-Quillen theorem (i.e. the fact that $K(\Sigma) = QS^0$; here $\Sigma$ is the groupoid of finite sets with the disjoint union monoidal structure), and to postcompose with the truncation functor $QS^0 \to \tau_{\leq 1} (QS^0)$; the fact that this functor is symmetric monoidal yields this description of the category. This perspective is discussed a bit more here.

From the description I've given, I suppose it follows that $\tau_{\leq 1} (QS^0)$ splits symmetric monoidally as $\tau_{\leq 1} (QS^0) = \mathbb Z \times BC_2$, (where $\mathbb Z$ is a discrete symmetric monoidal groupoid and $BC_2$ is a 1-object symmetric monoidal groupoid), which is maybe a little surprising. This is not to say that $\tau_{\leq 1} \mathbb S$ splits...