Conditions for Covering Dimension and Large Inductive Dimension to Coincide


I have been looking through Alan Pears' "Dimension theory of general spaces" recently. In this book Pears references a 1960 paper by Aleksandrov and Ponomarev called "Some classes of $n$-dimensional spaces" that contains a sufficient condition for the large inductive dimension and the covering dimension to coincide for compact Hausdorff spaces. I can find the paper, but only in Russian.

Link to paper

Does anyone know what Aleksandrov and Ponomarev's condition is? Moreover, aside from being pseudometrizable, what are some conditions one can impose on a compact Hausdorff space $X$ so that $\operatorname{Ind}(X)=\dim(X)$?

Best Answer

You can read a review of the paper in Zentralblatt, it contains a short description in German.

The review on MathSciNet is a bit more extensive (but requires a subscription). There is indeed the condition of having an $n+1$-to-one map from a zero-dimensional compact space onto the space itself. There is also a condition on `gratings' (not defined, but my guess is, based on other papers: a grating is a finite closed cover where the interiors of the closed sets are pairwise disjoint).

In What is a non-metrizable analog of metrizable compacta? (Part I) Pasynkov defines a class of compacta where the dimensions coincide.

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