Group Theory – Stable Equivalence of Generating Sets of a Finitely-Generated Group

This question came about when I was naively considering to what extent generating sets for finitely-generated groups are unique.

Let $G$ be a group and let $\phi_1, \phi_2 : F_k \to G$ be two surjective homomorphisms from a free group on $k$ letters $F_k$. Given a natural number $K \geq k$ let the surjective homomorphisms $\Phi_1^K, \Phi_2^K : F_K \to G$ be the obtained by extending the corresponding maps $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$ to send the $K-k$ other letters in $F_K$ to the identity.

Does there exist some $K$ such that $\Phi_1^K \circ \alpha = \Phi_2^K$ for some automorphism $\alpha$ of $F_K$?

Best Answer

The answer is $K=2k$, which is an exercise. Here is a sketch: Let $f\colon \langle x_i\rangle\to G$ be a surjective homomorphism, and $h\colon \langle x_i\rangle*\langle y\rangle\to G$ the map defined by $h(x_i)=f(x_i)$, $h(y)=e$. Let $g\in G$ be arbitrary, and choose $w\in\langle x_i\rangle$ such that $f(w)=g$. Let $\alpha$ be the automorphism of $\langle x_i\rangle*\langle y\rangle$ which maps $y$ to $yw$ and leaves the other generators alone. Then $h(\alpha(y))=g$. Do this $k$ times, one for each element of your second generating tuple, then reverse the process, swapping the roles of the $x$ and $y$.

$K=2k-1$ doesn't suffice, by Kapovich and Weidmann, who in "Nielsen equivalence in a class of random groups" construct small-cancellation examples.

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