Simplicial Objects in Quasicategory from Homotopy Coherent Nerve


Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a simplicially enriched category whose Hom-objects are all Kan complexes. Denote by $N\mathcal{C}$ the homotopy-coherent nerve of $\mathcal{C}$, which is a quasicategory. Suppose I have a simplicial object $X: N\Delta \to N\mathcal{C}$. Can I always find a simplicial object $\tilde{X}: \Delta \to \mathcal{C}$ such that $X$ is weakly equivalent to $N\tilde{X}$?

Best Answer

It is easy to construct counterexamples already for the full subcategory $\{[0],[1]\}⊂Δ$. The category $\cal C$ can be constructed by applying the nerve functor to hom-objects of a category $D$ enriched in groupoids. All groupoids have a finite set of objects and at most one morphism between any pair of objects.

The category $\def\id{{\rm id}}D$ has two objects $0$, $1$ and nonidentity morphisms $$s_0:0→1, \quad d_0,d_1:1→0, \quad s_0d_0=s_0d_1=\id_1:1→1, \quad d_0s_0≅d_1s_0≅\id_0:0→0.$$ The latter three 1-morphisms are isomorphic to each other. However, $d_0$ and $d_1$ are not isomorphic to each other.

Now we have an obvious functor $N Δ_{≤1} → N D$ of quasicategories. Observe that the definition of the homotopy coherent nerve functor allows for an isomorphism $d_0s_0≅d_1s_0$. On the other hand, a simplicial object $Δ→D$ does not allow for such an isomorphism. Since any object weakly equivalent to the one constructed above must have $d_0$ and $d_1$ as the images of the corresponding face maps, we see that it is impossible to rectify the homotopy coherent simplicial object to a strict one.

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