Continuous Map – Representing Measurable Map to Compact Space


Let $\Omega$ be a measurable space equipped with a $\sigma$-ideal $\mathcal{N}$ (though of as the "null sets"). Define the compact Hausdorff space
$$ \tilde{\Omega} := \mathrm{Spec}(L^\infty(\Omega)), $$
where $\mathrm{Spec}$ denotes the Gelfand spectrum. In this question, Terry Tao mentions the following (universal?) property of $\tilde{\Omega}$: "any [modulo-null-sets-equivalence class of?] Baire-measurable map[s] from $\Omega$ to a compact Hausdorff space $K$ can be uniquely identified with a continuous map from $\tilde{\Omega}$ to K." I haven't been able to find a precise statement or proof in the given references (or elsewhere, where would I have to look precisely?). If $K$ is a compact subset of the real numbers, then this is a consequence of Gelfand duality. How would one proceed in the general case?

EDIT: Let's ask a (maybe) simpler question. Assume that $\Omega$ is itself a compact Hausdorff space equipped with a Radon probability measure. If necessary, suppose also that $\Omega$ and $K$ are metrizable. Then, via Gelfand duality, we obtain a continuous map
$f: \tilde{\Omega} \to \Omega $. $\tilde{\Omega}$ also inherits the probability measure from $\Omega$ and $f$ is measure preserving. Now the question becomes: Is $f$ a mod $0$ isomorphism of probability spaces? (If this were the case, then a version of the cited segment would be true.)

Best Answer

If $L$ is a completely regular frame, then let $\mathfrak{R}(L)$ denote the point-free Stone-Cech compactification of $L$. Let $X$ be a compact Hausdorff space, and let $L$ be the frame of all open sets in $X$. Let $B$ be a complete Boolean algebra.

Let $Z$ denote the collection of all frame homomorphisms $\phi:L\rightarrow B$. Then $Z$ is a $B$-valued structure. If $L$ is regular and compact, then $V^B\models\text{$Z$ is a compact Hausdorff space}$, and $Z$ is the space that one would obtain by interpreting the space $X$ in the Boolean-valued forcing extension $V^B$ (when we interpret a compact Hausdorff space in a forcing extension, we usually need to add points to the space so that we retain compactness and we need to add open sets too).

Let $Z_1$ denote the collection of all frame homomorphisms $\phi:L\rightarrow\mathfrak{R}(B)$. Then by the universal property of the point-free Stone-Cech compactification, the set $Z_1$ can be put into a canonical one-to-one correspondence with $Z_1$. Let $Z_2$ be the collection of all continuous functions $f:S(B)\rightarrow X$. Then $Z_2$ can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with $Z_1$ and $Z$ as well. We have more correspondences that are closer to the idea of equivalence classes of measurable functions. The collection of frame homomorphisms from $L$ to $B$ corresponds to the collection of all localic maps from $B$ to $L$: If $f:L\rightarrow B$ is a frame homomorphism, then the corresponding localic map is the right Galois adjoint $f_*:B\rightarrow L$ defined by letting $f_*(b)=\bigvee\{x\mid f(x)\leq b\}$. The localic map $f_*$ preserves all infima.

Congruence tower

If $L$ is a frame, then the collection of all congruences on $L$ is another frame which we denote by $\mathfrak{C}(L)$. There is a homomorphism $\Delta:L\rightarrow\mathfrak{C}(L)$ where we set $(a,b)\in\Delta(x)$ precisely when $a\vee x=b\vee x$. We can iterate this process of taking congruence frames transfinitely and obtain $\mathfrak{C}^\alpha(L)$ for all ordinals $\alpha$ where we set $\mathfrak{C}^0(L)=L$ and $\mathfrak{C}^{\alpha+1}(L)=\mathfrak{C}(\mathfrak{C}^\alpha(L))$ and $\mathfrak{C}^\lambda(L)=\text{Colim}_{\alpha<\lambda}\mathfrak{C}^\alpha(L)$ for each limit ordinal $\lambda$. This transfinite process generally does not terminate. In each case, we have a canonical homomorphism $\Delta^\alpha:L\rightarrow\mathfrak{C}^\alpha(L).$

If $L$ is a frame and $B$ is a complete Boolean algebra, then for each homomorphism $\phi:L\rightarrow B$, there is a unique frame homomorphism $\overline{\phi}:\mathfrak{C}^\alpha(L)\rightarrow B$ where $\phi=\overline{\phi}\Delta^\alpha$. In particular, the frame homomorphisms from $L$ to $B$ can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the frame homomorphisms from $\mathfrak{C}^\alpha(L)$ to $B$.

Baire functions induce our maps

Recall that the Loomis-Sikorski theorem states that every $\sigma$-complete Boolean algebra can be written as $\mathcal{M}/\mathcal{I}$ where $\mathcal{I}$ is a $\sigma$-ideal on a $\sigma$-algebra $(X,\mathcal{M})$, and I think it is quite natural to write a complete Boolean algebra as a

Suppose that $B$ is a complete Boolean algebra, and $B=\mathcal{M}/\mathcal{I}$ for some $\sigma$-algebra $(X,\mathcal{M})$ and $\sigma$-ideal $\mathcal{I}$. Let $K$ be a compact space, and let $f:X\rightarrow K$ be a Baire function. Then whenever $U$ is a co-zero set, we have $f^{-1}[U]\in\mathcal{M}$. Let $L$ be the lattice of open subsets of $B$, and let $G$ denote the sublattice of cozero subsets of $L$, and let $W$ denote the lattice of zero subsets of $L$. Define a mapping $f^\sharp:L\rightarrow\mathcal{M}/\mathcal{I}$ by letting $f^\sharp(U)=\bigvee\{f^{-1}[V]\oplus\mathcal{I}:V\in G,V\subseteq U\}$. It is not too hard to show that $f^\sharp(U)=\bigvee\{f^{-1}[V]\oplus\mathcal{I}:V\in G,\overline{V}\subseteq U\}=\bigvee\{f^{-1}[V]\oplus\mathcal{I}:C\in W,C\subseteq U\}.$

Suppose now that $C\in W,C\subseteq\bigcup_{\alpha\in A}U_\alpha$. Then by compactness, there are $\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_r\in A$ where $C\subseteq U_{\alpha_1}\cup\dots\cup U_{\alpha_r}$. Each $U_{\alpha_i}$ is a union of countably many zero sets, so each set $C\cap U_{\alpha_i}$ is also the union of countably many zero sets $(C_{n,i})_{n=0}^\infty$. Therefore, $f^{-1}[C]\oplus\mathcal{I}=\bigvee_{i=1}^r\bigvee_{n=0}^\infty f^{-1}[C_{n,i}]\oplus\mathcal{I}\leq f^\sharp(U_{\alpha_1})\vee\dots\vee f^\sharp(U_{\alpha_n})\leq\bigvee_{\alpha\in A}f^\sharp(U_\alpha)$. Therefore, we conclude that $f^\sharp(\bigcup_{\alpha\in A}U_\alpha)=\bigvee\{f^{-1}[C]\oplus\mathcal{I}:C\in W,C\subseteq\bigcup_{\alpha\in A}U_\alpha\}\leq\bigvee_{\alpha\in A}f^\sharp(U_\alpha)$.

Therefore, $f^\sharp(\bigcup_{\alpha\in A}U_\alpha)=\bigvee_{\alpha\in A}f^\sharp(U_\alpha)$.

If $U,V\in L$, then $f^\sharp(U\cap V)=\bigvee\{f^{-1}[O]\oplus\mathcal{I}:O\in G,O\subseteq U\cap V\}$

$=\bigvee\{(f^{-1}[O_1]\cap f^{-1}[O_2])\oplus\mathcal{I}:O_1,O_2\in G,O_1\subseteq U,O_2\subseteq V\}$

$=\bigvee\{f^{-1}[O_1]\oplus\mathcal{I}:O_1\in G,O_1\subseteq U\}\wedge \bigvee\{f^{-1}[O_2]\oplus\mathcal{I}:O_2\in G,O_2\subseteq V\}$

$=f^\sharp(U)\wedge f^\sharp(V)$.

Therefore, $f^\sharp$ is a frame homomorphism.

On the other hand, the mapping $f\mapsto f^\sharp$ from Baire maps modulo $\mathcal{I}$ to frame homomorphisms is generally non-injective

I claim that we can have two Baire functions $f,g:X\rightarrow K$ where $f^\sharp=g^\sharp$ but where $f(x)\neq g(x)$ for all $x\in X$. Suppose that $K=\{0,1\}^\mathcal{I}$ and let $f:X\rightarrow K$ be the mapping where $f(x)=(\chi_A(x))_{A\in\mathcal{I}}$. We observe that the Baire sets in $K$ are generated by the sets $\pi_A^{-1}[\{1\}]$ where $\pi_A:\{0,1\}^\mathcal{I}\rightarrow\{0,1\}$ is the projection mapping. But $\pi_A\circ f=\chi_A$, so $f^{-1}[\pi_A^{-1}[\{1\}]]=\chi_A^{-1}[\{1\}]=A$, hence $f$ is Baire measurable. On the other hand, if $g:X\rightarrow\{0,1\}^\sharp$ is the zero function, then $f^\sharp(\pi_A^{-1}[\{1\}])=g^\sharp(\pi_A^{-1}[\{1\}])$ for all $A\in\mathcal{I}$, so $f^\sharp=g^\sharp$.

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