Differential Geometry – Surgery Construction in Milnor’s Procedure for Killing Homotopy Groups of Differentiable Manifolds


In the first section of "A procedure for killing homotopy groups of differentiable manifolds", Milnor gives the surgery construction as follows. Let $W$ be an $n=p+q+1$ dimensional manifold. Given a smooth, orientation preserving embedding:

$$f:S^p\times D^{q+1}\to W$$

we may obtain a new manifold as the disjoint sum

$$(W-f(S^p\times 0))\cup (D^{p+1}\times S^q)$$

modulo some equivalence relation.

My question is: why in this construction is Milnor deleting $S^p\times 0$ from $W$ and not $S^p\times D^{q+1}$? I expected this disjoint sum to be

$$(W-f(S^p\times D^{q+1}))\cup (D^{p+1}\times S^q).$$

Best Answer

There is no error in the paper as far as I can tell. One thinks of the surgery as taking out the interior of the image of $S^p\times D^{q+1}$, and glueing in a copy of $D^{p+1}\times S^q$ along the common boundary $S^p\times S^q$. However, that does only define a topological space and not an orientable differentiable manifold. That's why one takes $W'=W\setminus f(S^p\times\{0\})$ and glues in $D^{p+1}\times S^q$ on the overlap $$ f(S^p\times (D^{q+1}\setminus\{0\}))\cong (D^{p+1}\setminus\{0\})\times S^q $$ the identification being $f(u,\theta v)\leftrightarrow (\theta u,v)$, for $(u,v)\in S^p\times S^q$ and $0<\theta\leq 1$.