Quantitative Analytic Continuation Estimate for Function Small on Set of Positive Measure


The following conjecture about analytic functions arose as a way to show the asymptotic growth for certain PDE solutions. As I am unfamiliar with any results of this type, I thought I'd ask here.

In some sense, this is an analytic continuation result, as it says that if measure of points close to $0$ on which the function is very small is big enough, then $f(0)$ must be small.


Let $f_n : (-1,1) \to \mathbb{R}$ analytic functions such that
$$|f_n^{(m)}(0)| \leq C^n m!$$
for some $0 < C < \infty$. Suppose also that $f_n(0) = 1$ for all $n$. Does there exist $\delta >0$ depending on $C$, such that
$$\liminf_n | \{x \in [0,\delta] : |f_n(x)| \leq e^{-n} \}| = 0,$$
where by $|A|$ we mean the Lebesgue measure of $A$?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, no, as requested:

Take any sequence $\delta_j\in(0,1)$ decaying to $0$, choose small $\mu_j>0$ such that $\prod_j \delta_j^{\mu_j}=e^{-1}$ and put $f_n(z)=e^n\prod_j B_{\delta_j}(z)^{[\mu_j n]}$ where $B_\delta(z)=\frac{\delta-z}{1-\delta z}$ is the usual Blaschke factor. Then $|f_n(0)|\ge 1$ and the set $\{|f_n\|\le e^{-n}\}$ contains an interval of fixed length around each $\delta_j$ (the interval where $|B_{\delta_j}|\le e^{-3\mu_j^{-1}}$, say) for sufficiently large $n$.

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