Proving Graded Structure of Tensor Algebra from Universal Property


When the tensor algebra is presented, it is usually constructed as the direct sum of all tensor powers of the space. By this construction, the graded structure of the tensor algebra is easy to prove. However, I have not been able to find any proofs of the graded structure of the tensor algebra using just the universal property. Here's my question: Has anybody come up with a proof that the tensor algebra is graded using just the universal property? I will admit that I have a hard time using universal properties in general to prove things about objects, so I've had a hard time trying to come up with an argument myself.

The reason I'm interested in this is that I've started studying category theory recently, and I've heard about the adjoint functor theorem, which seems to provide a way to define the tensor algebra without using the traditional construction in the first place (I may be wrong about this since I haven't learned enough category theory yet). I was wondering how easy it would be to prove that the tensor algebra is graded from this kind of definition.

Another reason I'm interested in this is that from studying geometric algebra, I've seen that there is an alternative grading structure for Clifford algebras that is similar to the grading of the tensor algebra (that only respects anti-commuting products, not arbitrary products like is usually implied by the use of the word "grade"), and I was wondering if an argument for the grading of the tensor algebra could be adapted to proving this as well. I'm not expecting an answer to this problem though; the question is about tensor algebras.

Best Answer

$\newcommand\T{\mathrm T}$I assume that "the universal property" means that, for every $R$-algebra $S$, every $R$-module map $V \to S$ extends uniquely to an $R$-algebra map $\T V \to S$.

In the original version of this answer, I proceeded as follows. For each $v^* \in V^* \mathrel{:=} \operatorname{Hom}_\text{\(R\)-mod}(V, R)$, let $\alpha_{v^*}$ be the unique extension of the map $V \to R[x]$ given by $v \mapsto \langle v^*, v\rangle x$ to an $R$-module map $\T V \to R[x]$. Then, for each $n \in \mathbb Z_{\ge 0}$, $\T^nV$ is the set of $\tau \in \T V$ such that $\alpha_{v^*}(\tau)$ lies in $R x^n$ for all $v^* \in V^*$.

This definition is too coarse: it correctly identifies the degree of each homogeneous element, but, as you pointed out, it can also incorrectly assign elements degrees that they shouldn't have.

The obvious fix is to replace $R$-module maps $V \to R$ by $R$-module maps $V \to A$ for arbitrary $R$-algebras $A$. This works, but the only way that I can see to show that it always works is to take $A$ to be the usual explicitly constructed tensor algebra, or something close to it. For example, I have already cheated a bit by using $R[x]$, which is just the tensor algebra on $R^*$; but I could cheat even more by taking for $A$ the quotient of the polynomial $R$-algebra in $V$-many indeterminates by $r x_v = x_{r v}$. Then there is a natural homomorphism $V \to A$ given by $v \mapsto x_v$, and we could use the above trick on $\T V \to A[x]$, or just observe that $A$ itself is graded (since we're quotienting out by a homogeneous ideal) and use the degree there. But at that point we've practically constructed the tensor algebra.