Geometric Topology – Triangulation Properties for Manifolds


I am mainly interested in the $3$-dimensional case. It is a well-known fact, following from the work of E. E. Moise and R. H. Bing in the 1950s, that every $3$-dimensional topological manifold (with or without boundary) admits a triangulation, i.e. its homeomorphic to (the geometric realization of) an abstract simplicial complex. Furthermore, it is a well known fact that a manifold is piecewise-linear if and only if it admits a combinatorial triangulation, i.e. a triangulation in which the link of each simplex is Pl-homeomorphic to a sphere, and that in $d\leq 4$, every triangulation of a manifold is combinatorial. In other words, every $3$-manifold admits a PL-structure.

I am interested in the other way round: Is there a bunch of properties an abstract simplicial complex has to have in order to define a topological manifold? Clearly, not all $3$-dimensional simplicial complexes which one can draw give rise to a manifold. The complex should be at least pure and non-branching, I guess. Is it maybe enough to assume that a complex is combinatorial?

In the literature, I also have found the notions of ''pseudo-manifolds'', which are abstract simplicial complexes, which are pure, non-branching and strongly-connected. How is this related to my question?

Any help is appreciated. If someone could provide some reference, I would be happy too.

Best Answer

From the comments:

  1. Suppose that $T$ is a triangulation. If all vertex links are PL $(n-1)$-dimensional spheres then the realisation space of $T$ is a PL manifold and thus a topological manifold. (In the compact case this is equivalent to the usual definition.)

  2. There are triangulations of topological manifolds (in fact, of $S^5$) that do not have this property. Examples come from the double suspension theorem of Cannon and also Edwards.


  1. There are triangulations of topological manifolds that have no PL structure. This is (essentially) the failure of the Hauptvermutung.

  2. There are closed topological manifolds that do not admit any triangulation. This is the failure of the Triangulation Conjecture, and is obtained by Casson in dimension four and to Manolescu in all higher dimensions.