Prime Gaps Bigger Than Later Gaps – OEIS Reference

oeisprime numbersprime-gapsreference-request

This OEIS entry is about

Primes (lower end) with record gaps to the next consecutive prime: primes p(k) where p(k+1) – p(k) exceeds p(j+1) – p(j) for all j < k.

I'm wondering about a different kind of "record gap": primes $p(k)$ for which $\dfrac{p(k+1)-p(k)}{p(k)}$ exceeds the corresponding value, not for all smaller indices than $k$ but for all larger ones. For example, if I'm not mistaken, $\dfrac{127-113}{113}\approx 0.1238938$ is larger than the corresponding quantity for all later (not earlier) prime gaps. I suspect the same is true of $\dfrac{1361-1327}{1327}\approx 0.0256217.$

Is this in OEIS somewhere?

Best Answer is the smaller prime in those gaps, and is the larger prime. The gaps themselves do not appear to be on OEIS.

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