Number Theory – Pólya–Vinogradov Inequality for Eisenstein Integers


The Pólya–Vinogradov inequality asserts that a non-principal Dirichlet character $\chi$ with modulus equal to $q$ satisfies

$$\displaystyle \left \lvert \sum_{N < n < N+M} \chi(n) \right \rvert = O \left(\sqrt{q} \log q \right)$$

for all positive integers $N$, $M$.

My question concerns changing the summation condition to run over Eisenstein integers having bounded norm, and the character to a primitive cubic character given by the cubic residue symbol of some element $w \in \mathbb{Z}[\zeta_3]$, where $\zeta_3$ is a primitive third root of unity. Specifically, I want to understand the sum

$$\displaystyle \left \lvert \sum_{A < N(z) < A + B} \left(\frac{z}{w} \right)_3 \right \rvert$$

where $\left(\frac{\cdot}{\cdot} \right)_3$ is the cubic residue symbol over the Eisenstein integers and $N(\cdot)$ is the norm on $\mathbb{Z}[\zeta_3]$. Can a bound of $O(\sqrt{N(w)} \log N(w))$ be obtained as in the case of running over rational integers?

Best Answer


Such a bound would imply a similar bound on $$\displaystyle \left \lvert \sum_{N(z) = M} \left(\frac{z}{w} \right)_3 \right \rvert.$$

If $M$ is a product of distinct primes $p_1,\dots p_n$ congruent to $1$ mod $3$, the norms of primes $\pi_1,\dots,\pi_n$ then $$\sum_{N(z) = M} \left(\frac{z}{w} \right)_3 = \left( \left(\frac{1}{w} \right)_3 + \left(\frac{-1 }{w} \right)_3 \right) \left( \left(\frac{1}{w} \right)_3 + \left(\frac{\omega }{w} \right)_3 + \left(\frac{\omega^2 }{w} \right)_3 \right) \prod_{i=1}^n \left( \left(\frac{\pi_i}{w} \right)_3 + \left(\frac{\overline{\pi_i} }{w} \right)_3 \right)$$

so if we choose $w$ such that $\left(\frac{-1 }{w} \right)_3 =\left(\frac{\omega }{w} \right)_3 =1$ and then choose $n$ different primes $\pi$ such that $ \left(\frac{\pi_i}{w} \right)_3 =\left(\frac{\overline{\pi_i} }{w}\right)_3$ then this will have size $6 \cdot 2^n$.

Taking $n$ sufficiently large, we contradict any bound like the one you request.

To sketch a proof of a bound, let's first understand $$\left \lvert \sum_{z} \phi\left( \frac{ \sqrt{N(z)} - R}{T} \right) \left(\frac{z}{w} \right)_3 \right \rvert$$ where $\phi$ is a smooth bump function. The trivial bound is $O(RT)$ as we are summing over an annulus of radius $R$ and thickness $T$. Another bound is provided by integrating the Fourier transform of $\phi\left( \frac{ \sqrt{N(z)} - R}{T} \right) $ against the Fourier transform of $\left(\frac{z}{w} \right)_3 $. Since the Fourier transform of $\left(\frac{z}{w} \right)_3 $ is a bunch of Gauss sums, the same at every point, the bound we get this way will be $\sqrt{N(w)}$ times the $L^1$ norm of the Fourier transform of $\phi\left( \frac{ \sqrt{N(z)} - R}{T} \right) $.

For $T$ small, the Fourier transform of $\phi\left( \frac{ \sqrt{N(z)} - R}{T} \right) $ will look like the integral of a phase over a circle, i.e. a Bessel function, thus, viewed as a function of a complex variable $x$, approximately constant for $|x| < R^{-1}$ and proportial to $1/\sqrt{x}$ for larger values of $x$. The bump function will give us a rapidly decreasing cutoff at a radius of $1/T$.

Since the value at $0$ should be $RT$, the Fourier transform will take the value $\approx RT$ for $|x| <R^{-1}$ and $\approx R^{1/2} T / |x|^{1/2}$ for $ R^{-1} < |x| < T^{-1}$. The $L^1$ norm of this is $$ \int_{ R^{-1} }^{T^{-1} } (R^{1/2} T/ r^{1/2} ) \cdot 2 \pi r \cdot dr \approx R^{1/2} T (T^{-1})^{3/2} = (R/T)^{1/2} $$ so we get

$$\left \lvert \sum_{z} \phi\left( \frac{ \sqrt{N(z)} - R}{T} \right) \left(\frac{z}{w} \right)_3 \right \rvert \ll \min ( RT, (R N(w) /T)^{1/2} )$$

Now in the sharp cutoff case we can express the characteristic function interval of radius $\sqrt{A}$ and thickness $B/ \sqrt{A}$ as a sum of smoothed characteristic functions of the same radius and dyadically decreasing thickness. So the bound we get will be obtained by summing the bounds for (dyadically) different values of $T$ from $0$ to $B/\sqrt{A}$, and thus will be comparable to the bound for the worst case of $T$.

The worst case occurs when the two terms in the minimum are equal, $ RT= (R N(w) /T)^{1/2}$, or $T = (N(w)/ R)^{1/3}$, giving a bound of $$ R^{2/3} N(w)^{1/3} = (A N(w))^{1/3},$$ in other words, by working out the details, I believe it should be possible to prove a bound of the form

$$\displaystyle \left \lvert \sum_{A < N(z) < A + B} \left(\frac{z}{w} \right)_3 \right \rvert \ll (A N(w))^{1/3}$$

This gives cancellation for $A \gg N(w)^{1/2}$, so we still obtain cancellation in intervals of greater than square-root size, which makes sense as this is possible in the classical setting (, but not as much cancellation for larger intervals, which also makes sense as the boundaries in this setting are less smooth than in the classical one.

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