Lipschitz Continuity – Lipschitz Continuity of $x \mapsto \arg\min_{c \in C}d(x,c)$ w.r.t Hausdorff Distance

convex-analysisconvex-geometryfa.functional-analysisnonlinear optimizationsmoothness

Let $C$ be a (nonempty) compact subset of euclidean $\mathbb R^n$, and consider the set-valued map $p_C:\mathbb R^n \to 2^C$ defined by
p_C(x) = \{c \in C \mid \|x-c\| = \mbox{dist}(x,C)\},

where $\mbox{dist}(x,C) := \inf_{c \in C}\|x-c\|$ is the distance of $x$ from $C$.

Question. Under what minimal conditions on $C$ is $p_C$ Lipschitz-continuous w.r.t Hausdorff distance ?

Note. The case where $C$ is closed and convex is fully solved. Indeed, in such a case, $p_C$ is single-valued and non-expansive (and therefore $1$-Lipschitz).

Best Answer

Seems like in fact convex sets are the only ones for which $p_C$ is continuous. To prove this, we can begin by noticing that for a set $C$ with the property, $p_C$ can only take one point sets as values. If not, let $x,a_1,a_2$ be different points with $a_1,a_2\in p_C(x)$. Then any point $y$ in the open segment from $x$ to $a_i$ has $p_C(y)=\{a_i\}$, so $p_C$ cannot be continuous at $x$.

So, if for a compact $C$, $p_C$ is continuous, then it is single valued. So this shows that $C$ has to be convex.

Edit: From Dustin G. Mixon's comment above, it seems like the nearest point mapping is well studied. A reference that if a compact set $C$ is not convex, then the nearest point mapping is not single valued would be welcome.