Set Theory – Non-Trivial Examples of Selective Coideals of $\omega$


Recall that a coideal $\H$ over $\omega$ is selective if for every $\{A_n : n < \omega\} \subseteq \H$, where $i < j \implies A_i \supseteq A_j$, there exists some $B \in \H$ such that $B/n := \{m \in B : m > n\} \subseteq A_n$ for all $n \in B$. There are two canonical examples of selective coideals, both of which can be constructed in $\mathsf{ZFC}$:

  • The entire $[\omega]^\omega$ is of course a selective coideal.

  • Let $\A$ be a mad (maximal almost disjoint) family of subsets of $\omega$. Let $\H$ be the set of all infinite subsets of $\omega$ which cannot be covered up to a finite set by finitely many members of $\A$. Then $\H$ is a selective coideal.

Are there any more examples of selective coideals that $\mathsf{ZFC}$ can prove to exist? Note that I'm not looking for selective coideals that exist with further assumptions (e.g. under $\mathsf{CH}$, there are $2^{2^{\aleph_0}}$ many Ramsey ultrafilters, but I'm not asking for such examples).