Complex Variables – Natural Boundary with Non-Zero Thickness


Many series (in fact, "most" Taylor series) have a natural boundary at the unit circle. This boundary is only 1 dimensional, in the sense that only along the unit circle is it true that there is a dense set of singularities around every point. Do there exist any nice examples of series that have a 2-dimensional space of natural boundaries?

The best I've been able to come up with so far is something like
$$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{x^n}{\frac{n}{\alpha} – \beta-x^n} $$
In the complex plane, this looks like:
enter image description here

This is close to a solution, since it has many singularities outside of just a circle, however, these singularities don't become dense except along a circle.

I'm thinking there might be some way to craft a function like this by doing something along the lines of:
$$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2(\sin(f(x,n)) – \cos(g(x,n)))} $$
However, I can't think of a good way to use this to create dense singularities in some places, and not end up having singularities everywhere.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated!

Best Answer

Existence. (Maybe not a "nice example" as requested, though.)
Take any simple closed curve $S$ with Hausdorff dimension $2$. (I am assuming you mean Hausdorff dimension when you say "dimension".) Take any function $F(z)$ on the unit disk with the unit circle $T$ as its natural boundary. By the Riemann mapping theorem, we get a conformal equivalence $\varphi$ from the region inside $S$ onto the unit disk.
Our new function is $G(z) = F(\varphi(z))$.

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