[Math] Yang-Mills Functional and Energy


I have a question about the meaning of Yang-Mills Functional.

It is stated everywhere that the Yang-Mills Functional is a measure of energy. But the formal definition of the Yang-Mills Functional is:

  • To have a manifold $M$ together with a smooth vector bundle $E\longrightarrow M$

  • To a given connection $A$ over $E\longrightarrow M$, the Yang-Mills Functional assigns the integral of the norm of the curvature of $A$.

I understand the mathematical background, but why does it represent energy? Is there any intuitive way to explain this link?

Any idea or suggestion is welcome.

Best Answer

The easiest way to see that the norm of the curvature corresponds to the energy is to consider the special case of an abelian U(1)-Yang-Mills theory (i.e. electrodynamics). If you write out the norm squared of the curvature in terms of the $E$ and $B$ fields you get the expression $E^2 + B^2$. This is exactly the familiar energy density of an electrodynamic field, see for example wikipedia.

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