[Math] $x^4+y^4$ powerful for relatively prime $x,y$

diophantine equationselliptic-curvesnt.number-theorypowerful-numbers

I asked this question on the NMBRTHRY mailing list on
17 February 2014, but it remains unsolved as far as I know.

Recall that a "powerful
" is a positive integer whose prime factorizations
$m = \prod_i p_i^{e_i}$ has each exponent $e_i \geq 2$.
(Equivalently $-$ though generally of little use $-$ a positive integer is
powerful if and only if it can be written as $m^2 n^3$ for some integers $m,n$.)
Pondering this
Mathoverflow question
led me to ask:

What's the smallest powerful number that can be written as $x^4+y^4$ with $\gcd(x,y) = 1$?

In particular, is it $3088257489493360278725196965477359217 = 427511122^4 + 1322049209^4$?

The gcd condition is needed for the usual reason:
if $x^4+y^4$ is powerful then so is $(cx)^4+(cy)^4$,
but the converse fails, and indeed any number $m$ can be made
powerful by multiplying it by some $c^4$ (say $c=m$ itself);
we are not interested in examples such as $17^4 + 34^4 = 17^5$.

There are only about twice as many powerful numbers $m \leq x$
as there are squares [the actual ratio is
$A = \zeta(\frac32)/\zeta(3) = 2.17325+$,
and if I did this right then the count is given
more precisely by $A x^{1/2} – B x^{1/3} + o(x^{1/6})$, where
$B = -\zeta(\frac23)/\zeta(2) = 1.48795+$,
and the $o(x^{1/6})$ is actually $o(x^{1/12+\epsilon})$
under the Riemann Hypothesis; but this is all
tangential to the question at hand].

Thus, as with squares, we expect only finitely many examples of
coprime $x,y$ for which $x^5+y^5$ is powerful, but do expect
$x^4+y^4$ to be powerful for for an infinite though sparse set of
coprime pairs $(x,y)$. True, Fermat showed that there are no solutions of
$x^4 + y^4 = z^2$; but there are integers $m$ for which the elliptic curve
$x^4 + y^4 = mz^2$ does have infinitely many rational points, and indeed
we can use such curves to find powerful $x^4 + y^4$: compute solutions of
$x^4 + y^4 = mz^2$ until finding one for which $z$ is divisible by
each prime factor of $m$. For example, taking $m=17$ eventually yields
427511122^4 + 1322049209^4 = 17 \cdot 426218494746902449^2
= 17^3 \, 73993169^2 \, 338837713^2.

This is the smallest example I found, but this method needn't
find solutions of "$x^4 + y^4 = $ powerful" in order of
increasing size, and I don't see how to organize an exhaustive search
that could provably find the smallest example if it is not much smaller
than the solution above (for which $x^4 + y^4 \doteq 3 \cdot 10^{36}$).
For what it's worth, Google does not recognize it.

By the way, it's much easier to search for powerful values of $x^4 – y^4$
(again with $\gcd(x,y)=1$), because $x^4-y^4$ factors, and each of the factors
$x+y$, $x-y$ must be powerful except possibly for a stray power of $2$.
This means that trying all $(x,y)$ with $x+y \leq H$ takes time
proportional to $H$. For instance, it took just over 6 hours of gp
computation to find that
10113607^4 – 4319999^4 = 6 \cdot 41056761311940^2
= 2^5 \, 3^3 \, 5^2 \, 11^2 \, 23^2 \, 37^2 \, 47^2 \, 313^2 \, 4969^2

is the only example with $x+y \leq 10^8$, even though
$x^4 – y^4$ is still quite large (just over $10^{28}$).
This example is known to Google, but only as a solution of $x^4-y^4=6z^2$,
with nothing about $6z^2$ being powerful, let alone about its being
the first such example.

Best Answer

Disclaimer: This is not a complete solution but some partial results that may be helpful for a complete solution. Also note that this is my first contribution to Math Overflow so I hope I follow all guidelines and I would appreciate tolerance and feedback if I did something wrong.

I couldn't find any further progress on this problem on the internet (other than this thread). I believe I can reduce the search space to about $\approx 3.5*10^8$ cases.

Any powerful number can be written in the form $mz^2$ with $m|z$, so we are trying to solve $x^4 + y^4 = mz^2$. Since $m|z, x^4 + y^4 > m^3$, we have to understand what happens for all $m < N^{1/3} ~ 1.5 * 10^{12}$. Now $m$ must obey the following conditions (this is how I reduce the search space):

  • $m$ must be squarefree.
  • $m$ must be odd. Since $gcd(x,y) = 1, x^4 + y^4$ is either $1$ or $2 \mod 16$, but a powerful number is clearly not $2 \mod 16$.
  • every prime factor $p$ of $m$ must be $1 \mod 8$, since if $p$ divides $x^4 + y^4 $but not $x$ or $y$, then $(x/y)^4 \equiv -1 \mod p$, so $p \equiv 1 \mod 8$.
  • $2m$ must be a congruent number. Indeed, suppose $(x,y,z)$ is a solution to $x^4 + y^4 = mz^2$. Let $u = -4x^2y^2/z^2$, and let $v = 4xy(x^4-y^4)/z^3$. Then $v^2 = u^3-4m^2u$, so the congruent number curve $E(2m)$ is a principal homogenous space for the quartic $x^4 + y^4 = mz^2$.

Therfore we need to check curves with those odd $m$ such that each prime factor of $m$ is congruent to $1 \mod 8$, such that $2m$ is a congruent number which is $2 \mod 16$.

It is also known that there are no relatively prime solutions to $x^4 + y^4 = m^3$ (By Proposition 14.6.6 of Cohen's Number Theory: Volume II: Analytic and Modern Tools).

The next possibility, is $x^4 + y^4 = 17^2 m^3$. This means, we only need to check $m$ up to $(N/17^2)^{1/3} \approx 2.2 * 10^{11}$, i.e., $2m$ up to $\approx 4.4* 10^{11}$. By Table 3 of http://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/~masfaw/congruent.pdf (which counts the number of congruent numbers which are $2 \mod 16$ up to $10^{12}$), there are $59536672 + 62455317 + 66579936 + 73445274 + 81759844 + 12294626 + 2110645 = 358182314$ curves to check.

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