[Math] Work of plenary speakers at ICM 2018


The next International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) will be next year in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The present question is the 2018 version of similar questions from 2014 and 2010. Can you, please, for the benefit of others give a short description of the work of one of the plenary speakers?

List of plenary speakers at ICM 2018:

  1. Alex Lubotzky (Israel)
  2. Andrei Okounkov (Russia/USA)
  3. Assaf Naor (USA)
  4. Carlos Gustavo Moreira (Brazil)
  5. Catherine Goldstein (France)
  6. Christian Lubich (Germany)
  7. Geordie Williamson (Australia/Germany)
  8. Gil Kalai (Israel)
  9. Greg Lawler (USA)
  10. Lai-Sang Young (USA)
  11. Luigi Ambrosio (Italy)
  12. Michael Jordan (USA)
  13. Nalini Anantharaman (France)
  14. Peter Kronheimer (USA) and Tom Mrowka (USA)
  15. Peter Scholze (Germany)
  16. Rahul Pandharipande (Switzerland)
  17. Ronald Coifman (USA)
  18. Sanjeev Arora (USA)
  19. Simon Donaldson (UK/USA)
  20. Sylvia Serfaty (France/USA)
  21. Vincent Lafforgue (France)

Best Answer

Kronheimer and Mrowka have both spoken at the ICM before. Most likely, the current invitation is based on their proof that Khovanov homology detects the unknot (although they have other spectacular work since their previous ICM talks, such as the proof of Property (P)). The corresponding question for the Jones polynomial is a well-known open problem.

Kronheimer, P.B.; Mrowka, T.S., Khovanov homology is an unknot-detector, Publ. Math., Inst. Hautes Étud. Sci. 113, 97-208 (2011). ZBL1241.57017. MR2805599

The strategy of the proof is to consider (a modification of) the instanton Floer homology invariant of knots which (roughly) counts representations of the knot group to $SU(2)$ in which the meridian has trace $=0$. They show that this invariant is always non-trivial for non-trivial knots. This mimics a similar proof of non-triviality for knot Floer homology (defined by Rasmussen and Oszvath-Zsabo) by Juhasz, who showed that the highest grading of the knot Floer homology is sutured Floer homology of the complement of a minimal genus Seifert surface in the knot complement (using an adjunction inequality). Kronheimer and Mrowka had previously formulated an instanton version of sutured Floer homology so that they could mimic Juhasz's proof.

Then they show that there is a spectral sequence going from Khovanov homology to their knot instanton homology, and hence the Khovanov homology of non-trivial knots has rank at least 2. This part of the proof was modeled on a spectral sequence that Oszvath-Zsabo found from Khovanov homology to the Heegaard-Floer homology of the double branched cover. The proof of the existence of this spectral sequence is based on the TQFT-like properties of the instanton knot invariant for cobordisms between knots by surfaces in 4-manifolds, which they develop further in this paper.