[Math] Without choice, can every homomorphism from a profinite group to a finite group be continuous


In ZFC, some homomorphisms from profinite groups to finite groups are discontinuous. For instance, see the examples in this question. However, all three constructions given use consequences of the axiom of choice: ultrafilters in the first answer, and "every vector space has a basis", in Milne's notes as referenced in the second answer, and used to compute the number of finite-index subgroups in the third answer.

Is it possible to prove the existence of a discontinuous homomorphism from a profinite group to a finite group without the axiom of choice? Instead is it consistent with ZF that there is none?

Best Answer

Saharon Shelah (elaborating on Solovay) proved that it is equiconsistent with ZF that there exists a model of ZF+DC (DC=dependent choice, ) in which all sets of reals have the Baire property. And indeed all subsets of any Polish space have this property.

Now if $G$ is a second countable (=metrizable) profinite group, it is a Polish space (indeed a Cantor), and if $H$ is a non-open finite index subgroup, $H$ cannot have the Baire property, by a standard argument (it would have to be meager, which is absurd).

Hence it is consistent with ZF(+DC) that there is no discontinuous homomorphism from a second countable profinite group to a finite group.

On the other hand, I don't know if one can reduce the general case to the second countable one, e.g. by finding a countable intersection of open normal subgroups inside $H$.

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