Axiom of Choice – Wiki for Consequences


I raised the following question as part of another MO question, but I am following the suggestion of Nate Eldredge to make it a question in its own right.

For many years, there has a been a valuable web resource, hosted by Purdue, on the
Consequences of the Axiom of Choice. Unfortunately, the page is no longer functioning, as you will quickly discover if you try submitting a form number. The URLs have changed. I suspect that Purdue redesigned its website at some point, changing the URLs, and that since Herman Rubin died a couple of years ago, there is now nobody responsible for maintaining the Axiom of Choice page. I tried emailing a couple of random people in the Purdue mathematics department to find out if something could be done to revive the page, but have received no response.

I am wondering if there is a way to revive this resource, ideally in a way that will prevent it from suffering a similar extinction risk a few years down the line. Perhaps some people can turn the page into a wiki, much in the way the OEIS evolved from a personal project of Neil Sloane's into a wiki? Also, maybe someone reading this knows more than I do about the situation at Purdue and can comment on what would be involved in making the data publicly available again.

Best Answer

Sorry I just saw this, and thank you @martin-sleziak for informing me of this question!

I'm still investigating what went wrong, but cgraph is back online:

About the original "Consequences of the axiom of choice" website I know Paul Howard was working on a new version (hopefully with cgraph integration), I will try to find out what is the status and post here again. Either way, please feel free to use cgraph, either from the website or by installing the program locally.

Let me know if you need any help, want to offer any help, or you discover any problems either per email or by opening an issue at either repository:

By the way, I have pledged to maintain cgraph for life, and I am open to suggestions to integrate it with or expand it for any wikis anyone wants to create. Just drop me a line!