[Math] Why would the category of Motives be Tannakian


After reading the answer to my previous question: What are the different theories that the motivic fundamental group attempts to unify?

I decided to read up on Tannakian formalism.

Given the category of numerical motives, and assuming Conjecture C of the standard conjectures (the one regarding the grading of numerical motives), one can construct a category that will be Tannakian. This will be done by changing the sign of the “canonical'' morphism $h^iX\otimes h^jX \cong h^jX \otimes h^iX$ for $ij$ odd .

It seems in texts about motives, that the end goal was always to achieve a Tannakian category. But what motivation is there for this? Why would a category that has to do with motives be the category of representations of an affine group scheme? This seems crazy to me. Is this immitative of some easier, more well-understood, theory in which it make sense to relate cohomology with representations?

Also, is it conjectured what this mysterious affine group scheme is, in the case of numerical motives with the adjustment written above?

Best Answer

Actually, the category of motives isn't equivalent to the category of representations of an affine group scheme except in characteristic zero, and even there the equivalence depends on the choice of a fibre functor.

The functor to motives is supposed to be a universal cohomology theory. Certainly, one would like the target of a cohomology theory to be at least tannakian.

If you assume the Hodge conjecture, then the affine group scheme attached to the category of abelian motives over $\mathbb{C}$ (that generated by abelian varieties) is more-or-less known --- at least its algebraic quotients are classified.

If you assume the Tate conjecture, then the affine groupoid attached to the category of motives over an algebraic closure of $\mathbb{F}_p$ is more-or-less known.

In the general case nothing is known except that the group is VERY BIG --- for example, over $\mathbb{C}$ it has uncountably many distinct quotients isomorphic to PGL(2).

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