[Math] Why we need to study representations of matrix groups


Why we need to study representations of matrix groups? For example, the group $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb F_q)$, where $\mathbb F_q$ is the field with $q$ elements, is studied by Drinfeld. I think that these groups are already given by matrices. The representation theory is to represent elements in an algebra or group (or other algebraic structure) by matrices. Why we still need to study representations of matrix groups? Thank you very much.

Best Answer

I will answer a more general question.

If $X$ is an important mathematical object, why should we study the representation theory of $Aut(X)$?

Maybe algebraic geometers care about $X$, or maybe mathematical physicists, or maybe homotopy theorists, etc. Each discipline has techniques that can build a new object $X'$ out of $X$. These new objects are usually more inspiring (if less fundamental) than $X$ itself.

Maybe $X$ is projective $n$-space and algebraic geometers take $X'$ to be a Hilbert scheme. Or maybe $X$ is a manifold and mathematical physicists build the cotangent bundle of the cotangent bundle of $X$. Or maybe $X$ is a genus 3 surface and homotopy theorists build the loop space of the suspension of the space of maps from a genus 5 surface, or whatever.

The point is, these constructions preserve the $Aut(X)$ symmetry.

For some reason, every branch of mathematics seems to have a bunch of nice functors to the category of vector spaces over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $H$ be one such functor. Now $HX'$ will be a $\mathbb{C}$-vector space carrying information about the complicated object $X'$. But it will also be a representation of the group $Aut(X)$.

If the representation theory or $Aut(X)$ is already known, then we gain access to a powerful set of tools with which to study $HX'$. If it's not already known, then we should try to decompose $HX'$ anyway--this is the way to find irreducibles in the first place.

Knowing the representation theory of $Aut(X)$ lets us prepare for any possible construction of $X'$ and any possible functor $H$.

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