[Math] Why the letter “p” for genus


Does anybody know why the genus (arithmetic or geometric) of a curve was historically denoted by $p$ ($p_a$ and $p_g$)? What does the letter "$p$" stand for?

Any references would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

By looking at Coolidge's "Algebraic Plane Curves" Ch. VII, one may guess that $p$ stands for Plücker. You should have a look at the reference cited by Coolidge in his footnote to the first page of Ch. VII with title "Plücker's equations and Klein's equation" where the notion of genus is presented. The footnote says "For an historical account, see Berzolari, p. 343". The citation is to:

Berzolari, `Allgemeine Theorie des höheren ebenen algebraischen Kurven', in Enzyklopädie der Math. Wissenschaften, vol. iii, Part $2^1$, Leipzig, 1906, 99.