[Math] Why localize spaces with respect to homology


A basic construction in algebraic topology is the localization of spaces or spectra with respect to a homology theory: one formally inverts the $E$-homology isomorphisms, reflecting each space into the subcategory of "local" ones that "see all $E$-homology isomorphisms as equivalences". I'm looking for a motivation for this construction that will make sense to a category theorist.

In particular, I'm not looking for a motivation by applications. Homological localization certainly has many applications, but what I'm hoping for is a "philosophical" argument for why one would expect it to be useful, before even having it in hand.

I'm also not looking for an argument that specializes to localization or completion with respect to primes (which can be described as localization with respect to $\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}$-homology and $\mathbb{Z}/p$-homology respectively) and then says something about the behavior on nilpotent spaces. I feel like I have a pretty good motivation for localization and completion of nilpotent spaces, by analogy with the importance of the analogous constructions in algebra and the fact that a space or spectrum can be considered a sort of "generalized algebraic object" put together out of its homotopy groups (e.g. this is well-described in More concise algebraic topology). But homological localization is only one way to generalize these constructions to non-nilpotent spaces; why is it a good one, and why should we think about doing it for other homology theories as well?

The best I've been able to come up with so far is the following fairly obvious remark: "Homology (and cohomology) are easier to compute than homotopy, so it's natural to restrict attention to those aspects of a space that can be detected by some homology theory." But this doesn't satisfy me, because there is another much more straightforward functor which "restricts attention to those aspects of a space that are detected by $E$-homology", namely "$E$-homology". (Or, if you prefer to land somewhere homotopical, the free $E$-module spectrum.) Why should we think of instead formally inverting the $E$-homology isomorphisms?

In particular, are there analogous constructions in ("cowardly old") algebra where we get something useful by formally inverting the maps inverted by some other functor? Note that for localization at primes, formally inverting the maps in question is equivalent to tensoring with the localized base ring, so it doesn't argue for why to use the former rather than the latter — while for completion at primes, the naive completion functors, at least, are not reflections into subcategories at all!

Best Answer

A student of mine asking for a motivation unmotivated by applications? Haven't I taught you anything, Mike? (Joking of course.) However, perhaps one way to avoid talking about future applications is to reflect on implicit past applications and the explicitly stated original motivations. This is not to take away from your answer, Craig, you know I agree completely, but I'll give an answer orthogonal to yours.

We know from long past history that focusing on some generalized theory can drastically simplify life. Perhaps the first and still one of the most persuasive examples is comparison of the solutions of the Hopf invariant one problem by $K$-theory and by mod $2$ cohomology. This, together with the knowledge that $K$-theory captures so much of concrete importance (index theorem, etc) certainly argues for focusing on $K$-theory. The immense calculational power of periodicity phenomena also argues for a setting that throws away anything that is not periodic. The search for understanding periodicity phenomena in the stable homotopy groups of spheres goes back more than half a century, and the expectation that localizations at homology theories would be relevant goes back almost as far.

In fact, Frank Adams explicitly conjectured (Conjecture 4.6) in his 1973 Chicago lecture notes "Localization and completion" that localizations with respect to generalized homology theories exist. Pete Bousfield attended those lectures and constructed the conjectured localizations the following year. (I attended too and I remember Pete tapping me on the shoulder and asking "How does he know it is a set?"). In fact, Adams' notes fail to give a proof only because of set theoretic questions. Zig Fiedorowicz has uploaded a version of those notes on the arXiv (http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.5020) and he has added an epilogue showing that an easy modification of the argument Adams originally had in mind proves the conjecture, and "has thus taken the liberty of upgrading" the statement, so that it appears as Theorem 4.6 in the ArXiv version of the notes. To quote from Zig's foreward ``Thus it can now be seen in retrospect that Adams amazingly succeeded in his project of "constructing localizations and completions without doing a shred of work".

Frank's lectures were in a sense all about his motivation for wanting such localizations. So, philosophically, I might argue that motivations for mathematical developments might best be sought in their historical context, rather than abstractly, even for a category theorist. But a category theorist might like what Frank says right at the start (p. 10) "I want to study functors in homotopy theory with the same formal properties as localization, so I'd better say what those properties are". And his list of axioms is quite satisfactorily categorical.