Large Powerset Axioms – Why Isn’t There More Interest?


By a large powerset axiom, let us mean informally an axiom that says that for some cardinal numbers $\kappa$, we have that $2^\kappa$ is somehow "large" or "difficult to access from below." For example: whenever $\kappa$ is infinite,

  1. $2^\kappa$ is regular
  2. $2^\kappa$ is a fixed-point of $\aleph$
  3. $2^\kappa$ is weakly inaccessible
  4. $2^\kappa$ is weakly hyper-inaccessible
  5. $2^\kappa$ is weakly Mahlo

etc. (I do not know if these are all consistent).

Let us also include more ambiguous cases in our definition of "large powerset axioms," like:

  1. the map $\kappa \mapsto 2^\kappa$ is injective
  2. for every infinite set $X$, the powerset of $X$ has a subchain of cardinality $2^{|X|}$

Anyway, looking at the literature, there doesn't seem to be a lot of interest in these kinds of axioms, as compared to the amount of attention given to large cardinal axioms.

Question. Is there any particular reason for this lack of interest? For example, are there conservativity results showing that
such axioms are "very weak" which might explain the lack of interest?

Best Answer

I suppose there is some interest in propositions implying large powerset. For example, a classical question at the infancy of set theory and real analysis was whether there is a probability measure on the unit interval that extends Lebesgue measure, in which every set is measurable. This implies that the continuum is weakly Mahlo, Rowbottom, etc. It's also equiconsistent with a two-valued measurable cardinal.

The stronger interest in large cardinals is surely due to the empirical fact that they form a coherent system that measures the relative consistency of everything. It's not clear that large powerset type propositions have a similar property. Some of the things you mention have no strength, like the continuum function is injective. It follows from GCH and it's negation is easily forced.

Related fact: If $2^\omega$ is real-valued measurable, the continuum function is not injective. $2^\kappa = 2^\omega$ for all $\kappa < 2^\omega$. This is due to Prikry, and a proof can be found in chapter 22 of Jech.