[Math] why isn’t the mobius band an algebraic line bundle


When I hear the phrase "line bundle" the first thing that pops into my head is a mobius band. But this is a bad picture from an algebraic point of view since any line bundle on an affine variety is trivial. Anyway, my question is: is there a way of seeing more concretely what "goes wrong" when you try to construct the mobius band as an algebraic line bundle over ℝ, and what changes when you move to analytic line bundles?

Best Answer

Consider the real algebraic line bundle $\mathcal{O}(-1)$ over the real algebraic variety $\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^1$. It is nontrivial hence continuously isomorphic to the "Moebius" line bundle (there are only 2 line bundles on the circle, up to continuous isomorphism), so its total space is homeomorphic o the "Moebius strip".

By the way, it is false that line bundles on affine algebraic varieties are trivial. One example is the above universal line bundle over $\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^1$. If you want an example over $\mathbb{C}$, consider the complement of a point in an elliptic curve: it's an affine variety but its Picard group is far from being trivial.

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