[Math] Why is the harmonic oscillator so important? (pure viewpoint sought). How to motivate its role in Getzler’s work on Atiyah-Singer


I'm in the process of understanding the heat equation proof of the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem for Dirac Operators on a spin manifold using Getzler scaling. I'm attending a masters-level course on it and using Berline, Getzler Vergne.

While I think I could bash my way through the details of the scaling trick known as `Getzler scaling', I have little to no intuition for it.

As I understand it, one is computing the trace of the heat kernel of the ("generalized") Laplacian associated to a Dirac operator. The scaling trick reduces the problem to one about the ("supersymmetric" or "generalized") harmonic oscillator, whose heat kernel is given by Mehler's formula. I am repeatedly assured that the harmonic oscillator is a very natural and fundamental object in physics, but, being a `pure' analyst, I still can't sleep at night.

What reasons are there for describing the harmonic oscillator as being so important in physics?

Why/how might Getzler have thought of his trick? (Perhaps the answer to this lies in the older proofs?)

Is there a good way I could motivate an attempt to reduce to the harmonic oscillator from a pure perspective?

(i.e. "It's a common method from physics" is no good). I'm looking for: "Oh it's simplest operator one could hope to reduce down to such that crucial property X still holds since Y,Z"…or…"It's just like the method of continuity in PDE but a bit different because…"


Best Answer

What reasons are there for describing the harmonic oscillator as being so important in physics?

The harmonic oscillator tends to show up when you're expanding a potential function around non-degenerate critical points.

The simplest example is a physical system described by a map $t \mapsto \phi(t) \in \mathbb{R}$. If the energy function for this system has the form $E(\phi) = \frac{1}{2}|\dot{\phi}|^2 + V(\phi)$, with $V$ bounded below, then the lowest energy states are going to be of the form $\phi_0(t) = \phi_0$, where the constant $\phi_0$ is a minimum of $V$, hence a critical point. So, if your map $\phi$ never deviates too much from $\phi_0$ and $\phi_0$ is a non-degenerage critical point, you can approximate the energy function by $E(\phi) = |\frac{1}{2}\dot{\phi}|^2 + V(\phi_0)+\frac{1}{2}V''(\phi_0)(\phi-\phi_0)^2$.

In other words, the harmonic oscillator potential describes small disturbances around "generic" minima of an energy function. This situation comes up all the time in physics. For example: it shows up in Witten's Supersymmetry & Morse Theory paper, which I think would have been well-known to people working on topology and analysis in the 1980s.

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