[Math] Why is it important that partial derivatives commute


I am asking this in the context of differential geometry (specifically Riemannian).

When the Levi-Civita Connection is defined, we require that the torsion tensor is 0, which in local coordinates translates to the requirement that $\Gamma_{ij}^{k} = \Gamma_{ji}^{k}$; which is the covariant derivative version of saying partial derivatives commute: $\nabla_{\partial_i}(\partial_j)=\nabla_{\partial_j}(\partial_i)$.

This is obviously true in the Euclidian settings, and I understand all the details of the proofs. But why is this such an essential property? Why does this capture our intuitive sense of derivatives?

Best Answer

Here is another way of obtaining the Christoffel symbols with the symetry imposed by the torsion free condition

$$ \Gamma^i_{k\ell}=\Gamma^i_{\ell k}. $$

This goes back to Riemann's Habillitation.

Suppose that $(M,g)$ is a Riemann manifold of dimension $N$, $p\in M$. By fixing an orthonormal frame of $T_pM$ we can find local coordinates $(x^1,\dotsc, x^N)$ near $p$ such that, $\newcommand{\pa}{\partial} $

$$ x^i(p)=0, \;\; g=\sum_{i,j} g_{ij}(x) dx^i dx^j, $$

$$g_{ij}(x)= \delta_{ij} +\sum_{i,j}\left(\sum_k\pa_{x^k}g_{ij}(0) x^k\right) dx^i dx^j + O(|x|^2). $$

In other words, in these coordinates,

$$ g_{ij}(x)=\delta_{ij} +O(|x|). $$

Riemann was asking whether one can find new coordinates near $p$ such that in these coordinates the metric $g$ satisfies $g_{ij}=\delta_{ij}$.

As a first step, we can ask whether we can find a new system of coordinates such that, in these coordinates the metric $g$ is described by

$$ g=\sum_{ij}\hat{g}_{ij} dy^idy^j, $$


$$\hat{g}(y)=\delta_{ij}+ O(|y|^2). \tag{1} $$

The new coordinates $(y^j)$ are described in terms of the old coordinates $(x^i)$ by a family of Taylor approximations

$$y^j= x^j + \frac{1}{2}\sum_{ij}\gamma^j_{\ell k} x^\ell x^k + O(|x|^3),\;\; \gamma^j_{\ell k}=\gamma^j_{k\ell}. $$

The constraint (1) implies

$$ \gamma^j_{\ell k}=\frac{1}{2}\left(\pa_{x^\ell}g_{jk}+\pa_{x^\ell}g_{jk}-\pa_{x^j}g_{\ell k}\right)_{x=0}. $$

We see that, in the $x$ coordinates

$$ \Gamma^i_{k\ell}(p)=\gamma^i_{k\ell}, $$

because $g^{ij}(p)=\delta^{ij}$.

It took people several decades after Riemann's work to realize that the coefficients $\Gamma^i_{k\ell}$ are related to parallel transport, and ultimately, to a concept of connection.

Ultimately, to my mind, the best explanation for the torsion-free requirement comes from Cartan's moving frame technique. The clincher is the following technical fact: given a connection $\nabla$ on $TM$ and a $1$-form $\alpha\in \Omega^1(M)$ then for any vector fields $X,Y$ on $M$ we have

$$d\alpha(X,Y)= X\alpha(Y)-Y\alpha(X)-\alpha([X,Y]) $$

$$= (\nabla_X\alpha)(Y)-(\nabla_Y\alpha)(X)+\alpha(\nabla_XY-\nabla_YX)-\alpha([X,Y]) $$

$$= (\nabla_X\alpha)(Y)-(\nabla_Y\alpha)(X)+\alpha\bigl(\;T_\nabla(X,Y)\;\bigr). $$

If the torsion is zero, the above equality looses a term, and one obtains rather easily Cartan's structural equations of a Riemann manifold.