Near-Integer – Why Is $\frac{163}{\operatorname{ln}(163)}$ Almost an Integer?


The $j$-function and the fact that 163 and 67 have class number 1 explain why:

$\operatorname{exp}(\pi\cdot \sqrt{163}) = 262537412640768743.99999999999925$,

$\operatorname{exp}(\pi\cdot \sqrt{67}) = 147197952743.9999987$.

But is there any explanation for these?:

$\frac{163}{\operatorname{ln}(163)} = 31.9999987 \approx 2^5$,

$\frac{67}{\operatorname{ln}(67)} = 15.93 \approx 2^4$,

$\frac{17}{\operatorname{ln}(17)} = 6.00025$.

These numbers seem too close to integers to occur by chance.

Best Answer

On the other hand, Mathematica gives LogIntegral[163]=43.075210908806756346563... and LogIntegral[67]=22.6520420103880266691324... so this does not appear to be connected to x/Ln[x] in the context of the Prime Number Theorem