[Math] Why is differential Galois theory not widely used


E.R. Kolchin has developed the differential Galois theory in 1950s. And it seems powerful a tool which can decide the solvability and the form of solutions to a given differential equation.(e.g. Whether it is of closed form or not. see)

My question is why differential Galois theory is not widely used in differential geometry. It is plausible that we can solve some problems of differential/integral geometry using this set of theory.

I have read some answers provided here like Why do we need admissible isomorphisms for differential Galois theory? and other stuffs. I have read Kaplansky's and Buium's books. My question follows:

So what is the major 'pullback' in this theory that prevents its wide application to other situations rather than discrete geometry (e.g. Diophantine geometry)?

My original question on Mathematics Stack Exchange is: Why differential Galois theory is not widely used? which yields no satisfying answers.

Best Answer

The theory of differential Galois theory is used, but in algebraic, not differential geometry, under the name of D-modules. A D-module is an object that is somewhat more complicated than a representation of the differential Galois group, in the same way that a sheaf is a more complicated than just a Galois representation, but I think it is cut from the same cloth. A D-module describes not just the solutions of a differential equation but also how they behave at singularities.

D-modules are used in many different algebraic geometry situations.

While differential Galois theory may seem analytic it is actually much more algebraic. For instance, in analysis and differential geometry you tend to care how large things are, while in algebra you don't, and differential Galois theory says nothing about size. In algebra you hope for exact solutions, while in analysis approximate solutions are usually good enough, and differential Galois theory good for describing exact solutions. In differential geometry you often have great freedom in gluing together local pieces to get a global structure, where in algebra local pieces are rigid and hard to glue together, and differential Galois theory describes rigid structures where one tiny piece controls everything.