[Math] why haven’t certain well-researched classes of mathematical object been framed by category theory


Category theory is doing/has done a stellar job on Set, FinSet, Grp, Cob, Vect, cartesian closed categories provide a setting for $\lambda$-calculus, and Baez wrote a paper (Physics, Topology, Logic and Computation: A Rosetta Stone) with Mike Stay about many of the interconnections between them.

But there are mathematical objects that aren't thought of in a category-theoretic fashion, at least the extant literature doesn't tend to treat them as such. For instance nobody talks about Series, Products, IndefInt as being categories in their own right. (infinite series, infinite products, and indefinite integrals, respectively). (google searches for the phrase "the category of infinite series" in both the web and book databases have no hits whatsoever). I suppose my question is: why not?

Best Answer

Fundamentally I agree with Mike Shulman's comment and I do not really want to claim the following fancy language is at all necessary to answer this question, but you may (or may not) find it illuminating.

From the standpoint of higher category theory, categories (i.e., 1-categories) are just one level among many in a family of mathematical structures. Typically a mathematical object will "naturally" exist as an n-category for some particular n. For example, Set is naturally a 1-category, while Cat is naturally a 2-category. Your examples Series and so on seem to just be 0-categories, i.e., sets, since as Pete explained in his answer, there is no obvious natural notion of morphism between infinite series. Asking why Series is not a 1-category is like asking why Set is not a 2-category; these are just not the natural categorical levels that these objects live at.