[Math] Why Drinfel’d-Jimbo-type quantum groups


Hopf algebras are pretty easy to motivate, as a not-necessarily-commutative generalization of the ring of functions on an algebraic group (and there are many other ways in which they come up). I like any situation where you take some interesting geometric construction, characterize it in terms of some structure on the corresponding ring of functions, and then ask what happens when you no longer require such algebras to be commutative.

However, most of the people I know who study Hopf algebras study a very particular class of them often called 'quantum groups'. This term very often applies to much more general class of Hopf algebras, so for clarity I will call them Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum groups, as wikipedia does. I am referring to a very specific q-deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of a semi-simple Lie algebra $g$ (the definition is long, so I will defer to wikipedia).

My question is, what is so special about these Hopf algebras in particular? Why not some other deformation of the Hopf algebra structure on $\mathcal{U}g$? I have seen some cool things you can do with these, such as characterizing crystal bases of modules; but are these the reasons people started studying these in the first place? Is there a natural reason why these are the 'best' deformations of $\mathcal{U}g$?

Best Answer

These Hopf algebras are distinguished by the property that their representation categories admit a braided tensor structure. The space of deformations of the braided tensor structure on these particular categories is one dimensional (I believe this is a result of Drinfeld), so we get a universal family of braided deformations of U(g)-mod by varying q in U_q(g). The symmetric structure in U(g)-mod makes it a special point in this space, and one could argue that U(g)-mod is a "degeneration" of the generic braided behavior. There is unpublished work of Lurie on algebraic groups over the sphere spectrum that lends homotopy-theoretic support to this idea, since the symmetric structure doesn't manifest over the sphere.

Braided structures are important when studying topological (and conformal) field theories, since they describe the local behavior of embedded codimension 2 objects, such as points in a surface or links in a three-manifold. If you like homotopy theory, a braided tensor category is one that admits an action of the E[2] operad, whose spaces are (homotopy equivalent to) configuration spaces of points in the plane. Physically, these are the points where one inserts fields.

In principle, any statement about semisimple groups that can be phrased in braided-commutative (rather than fully commutative) language should be reconfigurable to a statement about these quantum groups. For example, there is a quantum local Langlands program (see the introduction of Gaitsgory's twisted Whittaker paper). Also, the representation theory of U_q(g) is interesting because of its connections to the representation theory of affine algebras and mod p representations (I think Kazhdan, Lusztig, and Bezrukavnikov are among the key names here).

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