[Math] Why does the proof of Myers and Steenrod fail in the Lorentzian case


This is my first question on this site. I hope it is not inappropriate on MO.

Myers and Steenrod proved 1939 that the isometry group of a Riemannian manifold is a lie group. I add a picture where Kobayashi describes the base idea of this proof.

enter image description here

Now I read in the book "Recent trends about lorentzian geometry" the following: enter image description here (The reference [6] is Myers and Steenrod).

Sadly the author doesn't give more details.
Can anyone tell my why this particular proof of M&S does not work for Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds?

EDIT: Maybe this will clear things up a bit.

(1) My questions is NOT about why theorem 1 (on page 278) fails for Lorentzian manifolds. (Theorem 1 is: If $(M,g)$ is a compact Riemannian manifold, then $Iso(M,g)$ is compact.)

(2) I know that the theorems provided by Kobayashi in his book "Transformation groups in differential geometry" can be applied to Lorentzian manifolds as well (e.g. Thm 5.1). So I wonder why this specific proof of M&S only works for Riemannian manifolds.

Best Answer

I think the main reason is basically Myers and Steenrod use properties of Riemannian manifolds related to their other theorem of differential geometry by the same name in the same 1939 paper (but not involving Lie groups) for distance function and isometries. Since this other theorem doesn't generalize to Lorentzian manifolds for obvious reasons, their proof of their theorem for Lie groups using those arguments is not generalizable to Lorentzian manifolds. The usual modern proofs(by Sternberg and Kobayashi for instance) avoid arguments related to distance functions by using local flows and orthonormal basis bundles.