[Math] Why does one consider the dual of the Steenrod algebra


Why does one consider the dual of the Steenrod algebra?

Best Answer

There are really two reasons, both of which are already alluded to in Eric Peterson's answer and in Pierre's answer.

Formally one can think about mod p cohomology as being a functor to the category of modules over the Steenrod Algebra. Similarly one can think about mod p homology as being a functor to the category of comodules over the dual to the Steenrod Algebra.

These seem formally the same, and the first seems preferable since most of us are happier thinking about modules than about comodules. But:

1) Certain kinds of formulas can be written down more easily for the dual of the Steenrod Algebra than for the Steenrod Algebra itself. In particular, the coproduct on the dual of the Steenrod Algebra has a formula that is simpler for some applications than understanding the non-commutative product on the Steenrod Algebra, via (for example) the Adem relations.

As an example, the Milnor basis of the Steenrod Algebra is defined by noting that the dual to the Steenrod Algebra is a polynomial algebra. The Milnor basis to the Steenrod Algebra is then the dual basis to the monomial basis of the dual algebra.

2) The Steenrod Algebra is the (Hopf) algebra of cohomology operations. By contrast, the dual to the Steenrod Algebra is the (Hopf) algebra of homology co-operations.

When constructing the Adams spectral sequence for other theories (other than mod p homology or cohomology) it is more convenient to use the homology version with the algebra of homology co-operations. This is because the cohomology of a product often involves completions, whereas the homology of a product does not.

Once one has incorporated this way of thinking about things it becomes convenient even for the ordinary Adams spectral sequence. It removes the confusion caused by contravariant functors, and it makes maps between Adams spectral sequences (for different homology theories) more transparent.

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