[Math] Why does non-abelian group cohomology exist


If $K$ is a non-abelian group on which a group $G$ acts via automorphisms, we can define 1-cocycles and 1-coboundaries by mimicking the explicit formulas coming from the bar resolution in ordinary group cohomology, and thus we have a reasonable notion of $H^1(G, K)$.

It turns out we have a part of the expected long exact sequence, until this construction breaks down for building $H^i$ when $i > 1$, where the long exact sequence stops. There are other analogues to ordinary group cohomology as well. The only proof I've ever seen of any of this is by hand. Is there some deeper explanation of why non-abelian group cohomology exists (and then ceases to exist)?

Best Answer

Topologically, you could say that this is true because $K(A,1)$ exists for nonabelian groups $A$. When the action of $G$ on $A$ is trivial, at least, $H^1(G,A)$ should be homotopy classes of maps from $K(G,1)$ to $K(A,1)$ (the same way $H^n(G,A) = H^n(K(G,1);A) =$ homotopy classes of maps $K(G,1) \to K(A,n)$ for $A$ abelian). In a similar way, $H^0$ is defined with coefficients in any pointed set.