[Math] Why do sporadic simple groups have so few conjugacy classes


In finite group theory, there's a general intuition that the further away a group is from abelian, the fewer conjugacy classes it will have. So it is to be expected that non-abelian finite simple groups have a smallish number of conjugacy classes relative to size. Even with this intuition though, some of the numbers appearing in the list of sporadic simple groups are a bit surprising. For instance, the Monster group, with more than $10^{53}$ elements and $15$ prime divisors, has fewer than $200$ conjugacy classes. (An alternating group of comparable order has more than $30 000$ conjugacy classes.) $M_{22}$ has $443520$ elements and only $12$ conjugacy classes.

What is going on here? Is there something about the special combinatorial structures that allow these groups to exist that also makes the centralisers exceptionally small?

Best Answer

This is also rather an expanded comment. -- Since for purely arithmetical reasons, $\ln(\ln(|G|))$ is a lower bound for the number $k(G)$ of conjugacy classes of a finite group $G$, maybe $$ f(G) := \ln(k(G))/\ln(\ln(\ln(|G|))) $$ is a better measure than $k(G)/|G|$ for how many or how few conjugacy classes a group $G$ has in comparison with its order. For example we have (examples ordered by group order):

  • $f({\rm A}_5) \approx 4.68799$,

  • $f({\rm PSL}(2,7)) \approx 3.64930$,

  • $f({\rm A}_6) \approx 3.39930$,

  • $f({\rm PSL}(2,8)) \approx 3.64187$,

  • $f({\rm PSL}(2,11)) \approx 3.3204$,

  • $f({\rm A}_7) \approx 3.04392$,

  • $f({\rm PSL}(3,3)) \approx 3.23520$,

  • $f({\rm M}_{11}) \approx 2.92936$,

  • $f({\rm PSL}(2,31)) \approx 3.53994$,

  • $f({\rm A}_8) \approx 3.17897$,

  • $f({\rm PSL}(3,4)) \approx 2.77366$,

  • $f({\rm Sz}(8)) \approx 2.83466$,

  • $f({\rm M}_{12}) \approx 3.03727$,

  • $f({\rm J}_1) \approx 2.96687$,

  • $f({\rm A}_9) \approx 3.16283$,

  • $f({\rm M}_{22}) \approx 2.63787$,

  • $f({\rm J}_2) \approx 3.20085$,

  • $f({\rm A}_{10}) \approx 3.23851$,

  • $f({\rm M}_{23}) \approx 2.76986$,

  • $f({\rm A}_{11}) \approx 3.31013$,

  • $f({\rm Sz}(32)) \approx 3.39405$,

  • $f({\rm HS}) \approx 3.01600$,

  • $f({\rm J}_3) \approx 2.88256$,

  • $f({\rm M}_{24}) \approx 3.00146$,

  • $f({\rm PSL}(6,2)) \approx 3.55208$,

  • $f({\rm O'N}) \approx 2.85566$,

  • $f({\rm Fi}_{22}) \approx 3.36345$,

  • $f({\rm HN}) \approx 3.18141$,

  • $f({\rm B}) \approx 3.54764$,

  • $f({\rm A}_{43}) \approx 6.61233$,

  • $f({\rm M}) \approx 3.34883$,

  • $f({\rm A}_{44}) \approx 6.69491$.

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