[Math] Why can’t there be a general theory of nonlinear PDE


Lawrence Evans wrote in discussing the work of Lions fils that

there is in truth no central core
theory of nonlinear partial
differential equations, nor can there
be. The sources of partial
differential equations are so many –
physical, probabilistic, geometric etc.
– that the subject is a confederation of diverse subareas, each studying
different phenomena for different
nonlinear partial differential
equation by utterly different methods.

To me the second part of Evans' quote does not necessarily imply the first. So my question is: why can't there be a core theory of nonlinear PDE?

More specifically it is not clear to me is why there cannot be a mechanical procedure (I am reminded here by [very] loose analogy of the Risch algorithm) for producing estimates or good numerical schemes or algorithmically determining existence and uniqueness results for "most" PDE. (Perhaps the h-principle has something to say about a general theory of nonlinear PDE, but I don't understand it.)

I realize this question is more vague than typically considered appropriate for MO, so I have made it CW in the hope that it will be speedily improved. Given the paucity of PDE questions on MO I would like to think that this can be forgiven in the meantime.

Best Answer

I find Tim Gowers' "two cultures" distinction to be relevant here. PDE does not have a general theory, but it does have a general set of principles and methods (e.g. continuity arguments, energy arguments, variational principles, etc.).

Sergiu Klainerman's "PDE as a unified subject" discusses this topic fairly exhaustively.

Any given system of PDE tends to have a combination of ingredients interacting with each other, such as dispersion, dissipation, ellipticity, nonlinearity, transport, surface tension, incompressibility, etc. Each one of these phenomena has a very different character. Often the main goal in analysing such a PDE is to see which of the phenomena "dominates", as this tends to determine the qualitative behaviour (e.g. blowup versus regularity, stability versus instability, integrability versus chaos, etc.) But the sheer number of ways one could combine all these different phenomena together seems to preclude any simple theory to describe it all. This is in contrast with the more rigid structures one sees in the more algebraic sides of mathematics, where there is so much symmetry in place that the range of possible behaviour is much more limited. (The theory of completely integrable systems is perhaps the one place where something analogous occurs in PDE, but the completely integrable systems are a very, very small subset of the set of all possible PDE.)

p.s. The remark Qiaochu was referring to was Remark 16 of this blog post.

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