[Math] Why can Diophantine equations represent exponential growth

computability-theorydiophantine equationsnt.number-theory

The wikipedia page on Matiyasevich's theorem challenges:

Unfortunately there seems to be as yet no short intuitive explanation as to why Diophantine equations can represent exponential growth only a daunting list of number theoretic lemmas (Note: I've only heard explanations from logicians so if any number theorist wants to show me I'm wrong please do).

Anyone care to have a go?

Best Answer

A simple candidate for a diophantine relation exhibiting exponential growth is the relation between $x$ and $t$ in the equation $x^2-ty^2=1$. According to Barry Mazur ("Questions of Decidability and Undecidability in Number Theory", JSL v59, 1994), the relation $$\phi(t,x):\exists y\,\,\, x^2-ty^2=1$$ exhibits exponential growth if Gauss's class number conjecture is true, i.e. if there are infinitely many real quadratic fields of class number 1.

Many years before the MRDP theorem was proved, Martin Davis and Julia Robinson boiled down Hilbert's Tenth Problem to the question of the existence of a diophantine relation of exponential growth. See Julia Robinson's 1950 paper "Existential Definability in Arithmetic".


A caveat emptor is appropriate here, as I realized after responding to GH's comment. Julia Robinson shows in her paper that the relation $z=x^y$ is diophantine if there is a diophantine relation $\rho \subseteq\mathbb{N}\times \mathbb{N}$ satisfying

  1. For no positive integer n is it true that $\forall x,y\in \mathbb{N}\,\, \rho(x,y)\to y<x^n$, and

  2. There is an exponential tower $t$ such that $\forall x,y\in \mathbb{N}\,\, \rho(x,y)\to y<t(x)$, where an "exponential tower" is a function of the form $x^{x^{\ldots}}$.

Now Mazur's formula provides a (conditional) example of exponential growth in the sense of Julia Robinson's Condition (1), but violates Condition (2), because for a given $t$ there can be infinitely many pairs $x,y$ such that $x^2-ty^2=1$. (For example, when $t$ is square-free and greater than 1.)

This leads to a question that intrigues me: Is there some reasonably simple way to add some polynomial equations and inequalities (in any number of variables) to the equation $x^2-ty^2=1$ that forces the pairs $x,t$ in the equation $x^2-ty^2=1$ to satisfy Julia Robinson's Condition (2)? The result would be a quick proof of MRDP from the class number conjecture.

Incidentally, Mazur does mention that by a theorem of Hua, the least $x$ for which there is some $y$ such that $x^2-ty^2=1$ is bounded by an exponential tower in $t$.

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