[Math] Why are they called isothermal coordinates


On a Riemannian manifold, a coordinate system is called "isothermal" if the Riemannian metric in those coordinates is conformal to the Euclidean metric:

$$g_{ij} = e^{f} \delta_{ij}$$

My question is: Why are such coordinate systems called "isothermal"? It must have something to do with classical thermal physics. I tried looking for a reason online, with no success.

It is well known that when the dimension $n=2$, there always exist isothermal coordinates, and this is probably where they were first introduced. So maybe the nomenclature has something to do with heat diffusion in the plane?

(The reason I ask is because I am planning to give a seminar talk next week giving a proof that such coordinates exist when $n=2$, and thought it would be nice to explain to the students where the name comes from…)

Best Answer

Isothermal coordinates are harmonic. In other words, it solves $\triangle_g u = 0$. So locally it is a stationary solution of the heat equation. In physics, for a steady state distribution of temperatures, each level set is called an isotherm.

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