[Math] Why are there so few zero-dimensional polynomial system solvers and is this because there is no real market for them

computational complexityexponential-polynomialsmathematical-softwarena.numerical-analysisproblem solving

My questions involve the quotes below from wikipedia regarding solving polynomial systems, which given the size of the market for Big Data & Predictive Analysis applications I find puzzling:

"This exponential behavior makes solving polynomial systems difficult
and explains why there are few solvers that are able to automatically
solve systems with Bézout's bound higher than, say 25"

"There are at least three software packages which can solve
zero-dimensional systems automatically"



1) Why are there so few automatic zero-dimensional solvers?

2) Are they just too hard to build?

3) Or is there no market for such a sophisticated solution?

4) Or is the market "cornered": i.e. are the handful of packages in 1) doing the job well enough that there's no need or demand for anything better?

5) Also, would there be a demand for solvers that could push past a Bézout's bound of 25?

Best Answer

Not 100% in-field but I'll try an answer.

1) Why are there so few automatic zero-dimensional solvers?

As the Wikipedia page says, the problem is intrinsically difficult and slow to solve. Ill-conditioning of the roots and of the qualitative results (dimension, number and multiplicity of zeros...) is also often an issue. As a result, people do not use often high-degree polynomial systems in modelling; linear methods can be made to work better in practice. This reduces a lot the demand.

2) Are they just too hard to build?

They are hard, but that is not the main issue. Lots of problems such as solving PDEs or simulating protein folding are hard, too, but they seem to have much more "market".

3) Or is there no market for such a sophisticated solution?

There is some market, for instance applications in algebraic geometry, but as far as I know they are mostly within mathematics.

4) Or is the market "cornered": i.e. are the handful of packages in 1) doing the job well enough that there's no need or demand for anything better?

I am not extremely familiar with all these packages, but for what I have used them they seem to work reasonably well. The main issue is the intrinsic difficulty of the problem: exponential problem is exponential. It's difficult to do a good job when there are $2^{20}$ solutions, and they are ill-conditioned.

5) Also, would there be a demand for solvers that could push past a Bézout's bound of 25?

Do you mean "would they publish well" or "would I be able to sell them to industries"? I think they would publish well if they work; for industry, I think not immediately.

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