[Math] Why are derived categories natural places to do deformation theory


It seems to me that a lot of people do deformation theory (of schemes, sheaves, maps etc) in derived category (of an appropriate abelian category). For example, the cotangent complex of a morphism $f:X\rightarrow Y$ of schemes is defined as an object in the derived category of coherent sheaves $X$. I would like to understand why derived category is an appropriate category to do deformation theory. I would appreciate it if someone could give me a good example or motivation.

Best Answer

I'll post an answer to what I think is a reasonable question, hoping that someone more expert will improve on this answer. My apologies if this answer is too chatty.

First, a very simple reason you might hope that there is something like a cotangent complex and that it should be an object in the derived category of quasi-coherent sheaves. Given a morphism $f: X \rightarrow Y$ of schemes (over some base, which I leave implicit), you get a right exact sequence of quasi-coherent sheaves on $X$:

$$f^{*}\Omega^{1}_{Y} \rightarrow \Omega^{1}_{X} \rightarrow \Omega^{1}_{X/Y} \rightarrow 0.$$

Experience has taught us that when we have a functorial half-exact sequence, it can often be completed functorially to a long exact sequence involving 'derived functors', and in abelian contexts such a long exact sequence is usually associated to a short exact sequence (or exact triangle) of 'total derived functor' complexes, the complexes being well-defined up to quasi-isomorphism and hence objects in a derived category. This is the semi-modern point of view on derived functors, which one can learn for instance from Gelfand-Manin's Methods of Homological Algebra. Experience has also shown that not only is the cohomology of the total derived functor complex important in computations, but that the complex itself, up to quasi-isomorphism, contains strictly more information and is often easier to work with, until the very last moment when you want to compute some cohomology.

Once you've seen this work a number of times (say for global sections, for $Hom$, and for $\otimes$), one might ask if there is a total derived functor of $\Omega^{1}$, call it $\mathbb{L}$, which among other things produces an exact triangle

$$f^{*}\mathbb{L}_{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{L}_{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{L}_{X/Y}$$

such that the long exact sequence of cohomology sheaves begins with the original right exact sequence.

If you believe that such a thing should be useful, then you might go about trying to construct it. One way to do this involves interpreting $\Omega^{1}$ as representing derivations which in turn correspond to square-zero extensions, and this is where deformation theory comes in. So one might begin to ask what 'derived square-zero extensions' should be, and you might guess that you should try to extend not just by modules but by bounded above complexes of modules. When you do this, such a square-zero extension becomes not just a commutative algebra but some kind of derived version thereof, such as a simplicial commutative algebra. In these terms, the cotangent complex $\mathbb{L}$ of a commutative algebra turns out to be nothing but K\"ahler differentials of an appropriate resolution of our commutative algebra in the world of simplicial commutative algebras. Following this idea through and figuring out how descent should work leads, after a long song and dance, to the desired theory of the cotangent complex.

Once you set this all up, it becomes clear that there was no reason to restrict oneself to classical commutative algebras in setting up algebraic geometry, but that one could have worked with simplicial commutative algebras to begin with, and this leads to `derived algebraic geometry'. In some sense, this is the natural place in which to understand the cotangent complex, and here the higher cohomology of the cotangent complex has a natural geometric interpretation.

One should also point out that Quillen's point of view on the cotangent complex was as a homology theory for commutative algebras (search for Andre-Quillen homology), which in a precise sense is an analogue of the usual homology of a topological space. This is described in the last chapter of Quillen's Homotopical Algebra and is also discussed in Goerss-Schemmerhorn's Model Categories and Simplicial Methods.

To summarise. Deformation theory is about square-zero extensions (as well as about other more general infinitesimal extensions). K\"ahler differentials corepresent derivations which in turn correspond to square-zero extensions. For each morphism of schemes $X \rightarrow Y$, there is a natural right exact sequence involving K\"ahler differentials, which it would be useful to complete to a long exact sequence. Even better, we'd like this long exact sequence to come from an exact triangle of objects in the derived category of quasi-coherent sheaves. Realising this goal naturally leads to derived or homotopical algebraic geometry.

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