Bertrand’s Postulate Generalization – Who First Proved It?

nt.number-theoryprime numbersreference-request

In Wikipedia's page for Bertrand's postulate, it is said that its (2n,3n) version was proved by El Bachraoui in 2006. Seems likely that it was first proved way before than that! Can anyone point to the first source, or at least to a previous one?

Analogously, Wikipedia said until recently that the (3n,4n) version was due to Andy Loo in 2011. I'm aware of a proof by Denis Hanson in 1973, so I have updated the page with that info, but I don't know if his proof is the first one. Do you know of previous proofs?

Best Answer

I have finally found the following papers and results, which predate Nagura's paper of 1952. I cite them from newest to oldest:

  1. (Molsen, 1941):
    • For $n\geq 118$ there are primes in $(n,\frac43n)$ congruent to 1,5,7,11 modulo 12.
    • For $n\geq 199$ there are primes in $(n,\frac87n)$ congruent to 1,2 modulo 3. This result implies that of Nagura.

K. Molsen, Zur Verallgemeinerung des Bertrandschen Postulates, Deutsche Math. 6 (1941), 248-256. MR0017770

  1. (Breusch, 1932):
    • For $n\geq 7$ there are primes in $(n,2n)$ congruent to 1,2 modulo 3 and to 1,3 modulo 4.
    • For $n\geq 48$ there is a prime in $(n,\frac98n)$. This result implies those of Nagura and Molsen (but not the congruences part).

R. Breusch, Zur Verallgemeinerung des Bertrandschen Postulates, dass zwischen x und 2x stets Primzahlen liegen, Math. Z. 34 (1932), 505–526. MR1545270

  1. (Schur, 1929, according to Breusch in the previous paper):
    • For $n\geq 24$ there is a prime in $(n,\frac54n)$. This result already implies those of Hanson and El Bachraoui.

I. Schur, Einige Sätze über Primzahlen mit Anwendungen auf Irreduzibilitätsfragen I, Sitzungsberichte der preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., phys.-math. Klasse 1929, S.128.