[Math] Where is Seminaire Bourbaki on-line


Where is Seminaire Bourbaki on-line?

The reason I ask is that for years it was complicated-enough already to find it in traditional libraries, as it would be catalogued according to its venue or ephemeral names of various aspects of it.

With the advent of the internet, because most of the Sem. Bourb. archive was so old, there was no obvious, easy way to convert it to digital, and, obviously, scanning-in cannot be done overnight.

EDIT: and, to make clear(er) what has been so obvious to me for decades that I'd failed to explain it in the question… for many decades, Sem. Bourb. consisted of not-too-long superb expositions by superb mathematicians of other superb mathematicians' important work. (Although at some point many of these transcripts were in English, not French), as I say to my students, the existence of decades of Sem. Bourb. transcripts is reason enough to learn how to read mathematical French.

Best Answer

This is an extension on Paul's answer, but it would have been too extensive of an edit so I posted this separately.

(I have corrected the link in Paul's post since the old one was no longer working)

Articles from 1948 (creation) up to 2006 can be found at this link in Paul's post

Articles after 2006 can also be purchased from SMF (Société Mathématique de France) at the following links: 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, (articles after 2017 can only be accessed, at the time of posting this, by clicking "PDF" next to the bolded article title at the following links: 2018, 2019).

Note: Since the 2019 seminar is 3 days from the time of writing this, those files are not available at this time.

As of April 1st, the articles from the March 2019 seminar are available at the link above.

If you are wanting to download an article published after 2006, you just need to know the corresponding Exposé number which can be found under "CONTENU DU VOLUME" on the SMF links above, after which the article can be found at links with this format: http://www.bourbaki.ens.fr/TEXTES/(put the exposé # here).pdf.
For example, http://www.bourbaki.ens.fr/TEXTES/1108.pdf

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