Algebraic Geometry – When is Fiber Dimension Upper Semi-Continuous?


Suppose $f\colon X \to Y $ is a morphism of schemes. We can define a function on the topological space $Y$ by sending $y\in Y$ to the dimension of the fiber of $f$ over $y$.

When is this function upper semi-continuous?

I have the following "concrete" application in mind. If an algebraic group $G$ acts on a scheme $X$, I'm pretty sure the stabilizer dimension is an upper semi-continuous function on $X$ (i.e. it can jump up on closed sub-schemes), but I don't know a proof. The stabilizers of points are the fibers of the map $\text{Stab}\to X$ in the following Cartesian square:
\text{Stab} @>>> G \times X \\
@VVV @VV{\alpha}V \\
X @>{\Delta}>> X \times X.
where $\alpha\colon G\times X\to X\times X $ is given by $(g,x) \mapsto (g\cdot x,x)$, and $\Delta\colon X\to X\times X $ is the diagonal map $x\mapsto (x,x)$. It would be nice to have a condition satisfied by $\alpha\colon G\times X \to X\times X$ that would guarantee the upper semi-continuity of fiber dimension.

Best Answer

Theorem (EGA IV 13.1.3): Let $f \colon X \to Y$ be a morphism of schemes, locally of finite type. Then $$x \mapsto \dim_x(X_{f(x)})$$ is upper semi-continuous.

Corollary (Chevalley's upper semi-continuous theorem, EGA IV 13.1.5): Let $f \colon X \to Y$ be proper, then: $$y \mapsto \dim(X_y)$$ is upper semi-continuous.

Corollary (SGA3, ??): Let $X/Y$ be a group scheme, locally of finite type. Then $$y \mapsto \dim(X_y)$$ is upper semi-continuous.

Proof: The dimension of a group scheme over a field is the same as the dimension at the identity. Thus the function $$y \mapsto \dim(X_y)$$ is the composition of the continuous function $y \to e(y)$ and the upper semi-continuous function $x \mapsto \dim_x(X_{f(x)})$.

Concerning your application: The fiber dimensions of the stabilizer group scheme Stab/X is upper semi-continuous, but the "diagonal" $G \times X \to X \times X$ does not always have this property (unless it is proper, i.e., "$G$ acts properly").

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