[Math] When are Ehrhart functions of compact convex sets polynomials


Given a lattice $L$ and a subset $P\subset \mathbb R^d$, we define for each positive integer $t$ $$f_P(L,t)=|(tP\cap L)|$$ the number of lattice points in $tP$. Let's say $P$ is nice if $f_P(L,t)$ is a polynomial. We know that if $P$ is a convex polytope with vertices in $L$ then $P$ is nice and $f_P(L,t)$ is its Ehrhart polynomial. My question is about some converse of this statement.

Are there some mild assumptions (for example convexity etc.) on $P$, under which if $f_P(L,t)$ is a polynomial with respect to at least some lattice $L$ then $P$ must be a convex polytope? Or a weaker question: Is any polynomial arising this way also the Ehrhart polynomial of some polytope?

P.S. I haven't thought much about this question so I apologize if it is well-known or it has an obvious negative answer. Also feel free to retag.

Richard Stanley suggested the following in the comments (edited to take into account a trivial family of counter-examples):

Could the following be true? It seems more in line with the question. Let $P$ be a compact convex $n$-dimensional set in $\mathbb R^n$. Suppose that the Ehrhart function $f_P(t)$ is a polynomial for positive integers $t$. Then $P$ is a translation of a rational polytope.

Edit: I would also be interested in a slightly weaker statement: Suppose a convex set has positive curvature almost everywhere, must the Ehrhart function necessarily be non-polynomial?

For example given an arbitrary lattice, what would be the easiest way to see that a circle doesnt have a polynomial Ehrhart function?

Best Answer

Just to remark that for a rational polytope whose vertices are not integral, the function $f_P(t)$ could still be a polynomial (and not just a quasipolynomial). A large class of examples is provided by degenerations of flag varieties $G/B$. There are many degenerations, each corresponding to a representation of the longest word $w\in W$ in the Weil group as the shortest product of standard reflections. All of these correspond to rational polytopes. They all have the same Erhart function. Some of them are integral but others are not.

For more details, see R. Chiriv`ı, LS algebras and application to Schubert varieties, Transform. Groups 5 (2000), no. 3, 245–264, or Alexeev-Brion Toric degenerations of spherical varieties.

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