[Math] When an intersection is contained in a minimal prime ideal


For a commutative ring $R$ with identity, it is well known that if a finite intersection of ideals is contained in a prime ideal $\frak{p}$, then one of them is contained in $\frak{p}$. I am looking for an equivalent condition on $R$ under which if an arbitrary intersection of ideal is contained in a minimal prime ideal $\frak{p}$, then one of them is contained in $\frak{p}$. Or is there any research paper related to that?

Best Answer

I would extend Jason's comment to say that this condition trivially holds in any Artinian ring since in those rings every intersection of ideals is a finite intersection. It seems that indeed this is the only case.

Let $R$ be an arbitrary noetherian ring and $\mathfrak m$ an arbitrary maximal ideal in $R$. If $R$ is not an integral domain, let $\mathfrak p\subset R$ be a minimal prime ideal contained in $\mathfrak m$ and let $A:=R/\mathfrak p$. Clearly $A$ is an integral domain and $\overline{\mathfrak m}:=\mathfrak m/\mathfrak p$ is a maximal ideal in $A$. By the Krull intersection theorem $\cap_n \overline{\mathfrak m}^n=0$.

It follows that then $\cap_n\mathfrak m^n\subseteq \mathfrak p$ in $R$. If $R$ satisfied the desired condition, then this would imply that $\mathfrak m^n\subseteq \mathfrak p$ for some fixed $n\in \mathbb N$. But then $\mathfrak m= \mathfrak p$ is both maximal and minimal. This is true for every maximal ideal, so $\dim R=0$ and hence $R$ is Artinian.

I leave it for you to decide about the non-noetherian case.

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