[Math] What’s there to do in category theory


Disclaimer: I posted this question on MSE only a few days ago; and received very few comments. I know that the etiquette is to wait a bit more than that before moving a post from MSE to MO, but I figured that posting it on MO would be an actual improvement because there would be some actual researchers in category theory on this site, willing to give details about what it is they do, what's interesting about it, etc, whereas there may be less of them on MSE. If this isn't appropriate, I'll remove this post, and if it's the case I'm sorry for the disturbance.

I'm sure anyone who's heard of categories has also heard the classical "Well obviously there aren't any real theorems in category theory, it's much too general", or something in the likes of it.

Now obviously this argument is invalid (although its conclusion may be correct) because the same could be said of set theory, but there are clearly many really important theorems and results in set theory (I guess I don't have to justify that's it a huge field of research).

Now these theorems come from the fact that, when we do set theory, we don't just look at $\in$, we look at "derived stuff", like transitive sets, well-ordered sets, models of certain things, filters, etc. (I'm just giving a few examples to explain what I mean, I perfectly know that there's much much more to set theory than just those).

So the same thing should apply to category theory : of course we're not going to prove of we just stand there with our arrows and objects; you have to consider interesting ones, with more properties etc.

My question is about these (sorry for the lengthy intrduction). I know that a big part of category theory (although I don't really know in what proportion) is devoted to studying topoi(/ses ?) and for instance cartesian closed categories.

But I'm also guessing that there's much more than that to category theory; and my problem is that I don't know much about what is currently studied, what the major subfields of category theory are, or for that matter what subfields there are; so that when I want to refute the argument given at the very beginning I'm a bit stuck because I feel like I'm reducing category theory to topos theory and abelian categories.

Here's the actual question (after the too wordy introduction) : could you give some examples of subfields of research (if possible, currently, or previously very active fields) in category theory, paradigmatic questions or theorems in those subfields; how they're interesting in themselves and for some, how they can be interesting for other areas in maths (more than just giving a common language) ?

Best Answer

There is a majestic paper by Mac Lane

MacLane, Saunders. "Possible programs for categorists." Category Theory, Homology Theory and their Applications I. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1969. 123-131.

whose opening line is one of the most beautiful I've ever read:

Communication among Mathematicians is governed by a number of unspoken rules. One of these specifies that a Mathematician should talk about explicit theorems or concrete examples, and not about speculative programs. I propose to violate this excellent rule.

I've often wondered what does remains of those suggestions, and I strongly recommend you (if you haven't already) to have a look at this inspiring note: it is a masterpiece of neat exposition and it is replete with the hope that category theory becomes deeper and stronger, with the passing of time.

It is organized in brief, lapidary short sections, and proposes several directions in which category theory can, should or will go: in a few words

  • we shall find new general concepts,
  • we shall polish and adapt old ones through (hard work and) time,
  • we shall reach a deeper understanding of structured and low-dimensional higher categories (monoidal categories, bi- and tri-categories and their multiple applications),
  • we shall link category theory to differential geometry, mathematical analysis and mathematical physics,
  • we shall ground category theory on a real foundation (or even better we shall use it as a foundation).

I'll leave you the pleasure of reading the note for yourself. My opinion (which is only the humble feeling of a young craftman) is that there are few items we can feel we have completely solved, even 50 years later.

Of course, today we have more higher category theory than we could ever hope for. Of course, we have a few people working in axiomatic cohesion. Of course, we have people in type theory and in HoTT. And also, we are lucky because today few people question the "importance of being abstract". But there is so much still to do!

And the best way I can explain what I'm saying is by adding an item to the otherwise complete Mac Lane's list.

  • We shall work together to let more and more mathematicians see how profound, and beautiful, and inspiring, and elegant category theory is.

Category theory is huge, but few people outside pure mathematics apply it. Many people know that it exists, but few people appreciate its elegant, tautological statements and try to apply it to different things (those who do it are outstanding mathematicians, way better than I will ever be). This is what makes pure mathematics vital: a bunch of flippant engineers and physicists and biologists shaking it, breaking it, deforming it. We shall give other people tools to package immensely deep ideas in an extremely low volume ("rings are spaces"; "homotopy theory is localization"; "the Yoneda lemma"...).

Last, but not least, I feel we shall communicate why we feel lucky: category theory is an island of beauty in the already beautiful land of mathematics, and we are in love with it. We shall communicate the bliss we feel when we do it.