[Math] What’s “geometric algebra”


Sometimes one bumps into the name "geometric algebra" (henceforth "GA"), in the sense of this Wikipedia article. Other names appear in that context such as "vector manifold", "pseudoscalar", and "space-time".

A very superficial look at that Wikipedia article, or books on the topic, gives me the idea that it is essentially about Clifford algebras and related calculus. One impression that I got (but I could be wrong) is that there is a relatively small group of authors (I don't know if mathematicians or physicists or both) that have produced work in "GA" and that this group is probably disjoint from the set of mathematicians who wrote about the algebraic foundations of Clifford algebra theory or about Clifford algebras featuring in contexts such as the Atiyah-Singer index theorem or Clifford analysis (the study of Dirac-type operators). Also, I'm not aware if any reference to the field "GA", as such, appears outside works specifically designated as "GA" and written by people in that group. It's also not clear to me if there is an intersection (or even subset relation) between "GA" and the above mentioned areas of mathematics and the extent of such intersection.

1. Is there anything in the field "geometric algebra" that is distinct from usual Clifford algebra theory and/or Clifford analysis, or is it just a different name for the same set of mathematics? Or maybe does it provide a slightly different viewpoint on the same mathematics (like, e.g., probability theory having a completely different viewpoint from measure theory despite being formally measure theory)? If so, what are the advantages of this viewpoint?

2. Are there mathematical applications of "geometric algebra" outside the field itself? There seem to be applications to physics: are these applications mathematically rigorous?

Best Answer

The label "geometic algebra" was William Cifford's name for the algebra he discovered (invented). This bit of history is recounted by David Hestenes, who has perhaps been most responsible for promoting this lovely mathematics for physics, and has many books and papers on this subject. There is also a Cambridge lot, including Chris Doran and Anthony Lasenby, who have a physics book, and a gauge theory of gravity. These men are perhaps the most influential authors, but I would also want to include Perti Lounesto, and William Baylis, in the geometric algebra crowd. I have personally found these authors particularly accessible and a pleasurable learning experience.

What seems to me the most unifying element of those who use the term "geometric algebra" for "Clifford algebra" is the emphasis on a real exposition of the subject. To my mind, since complex numbers are in fact themselves a real geometric algebra, there is no small bit of confusion generated by insisting on the mathematical development of the subject over a complex field. But this is exactly what Emile Cartan did in defining spinors. With spinors deeply embedded in physical theories of elementary particles, a Clifford algebra defined over a complex field has a strong tradition, especially among mathematically inclined theorists. Most algebraists (Chevalley, Cartan, Atiyah) would consider complex numbers the truest form of 'number'.

Before closing on the subject, a serious researcher should include a third subject: "noncommutative algebra". In many respects, this is a similar development but with a pedigree more after Hermann Grassmann than William Clifford. Alain Connes, has developed this subject recently with physical applications.

In conclusion, I offer the advice that 'geometric algebra' is the most accessible and intuitive approach offering a physically descriptive mathematics. It is just multivariate linear algebra from a practical vantage point. I think it should be taught in high school. The 'Clifford algebra' and 'noncommutative algebra' approaches are more abstract and mathematically rigorous, but greatly expand the available literature when used as search terms.

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